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started to develop STRIPS encoding variants

This commit is contained in:
mgebser 2016-11-14 12:00:14 +01:00
parent dadb1801aa
commit b8357629a2
2 changed files with 132 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
% Constant '_closure' to (de)activate analysis of potentially relevant actions
% - value '1': forward chaining of effects w.r.t. initial variable values
% - value '2': backward regression of effects w.r.t. goal variable values
% - value '3': both forward chaining and backward regression of effects
% - otherwise: off
#const _closure = 3.
% Check feature requirements
:- requires(feature(actionCosts)).
:- requires(feature(axiomRules)).
:- requires(feature(conditionalEffects)).
% Basic redundancy check for actions
postcondition(A,X,V) :- postcondition(A,E,X,V).
has_condition(A,X,0) :- action(A), precondition(A,X,V).
has_condition(A,X,1) :- action(A), postcondition(A,X,V).
inconsistent(A) :- has_condition(A,X,P),
#count{V : precondition(A,X,V), P = 0;
V : postcondition(A,X,V), P = 1} > 1.
consistent(A) :- action(A), not inconsistent(A).
irredundant(A) :- consistent(A), postcondition(A,X,V), not precondition(A,X,V).
% Forward chaining of effects w.r.t. initial variable values
feasible(X,V) :- initialState(X,V).
feasible(X,V) :- possible(A), postcondition(A,X,V).
possible(A) :- irredundant(A), feasible(X,V) : precondition(A,X,V).
possible(A) :- irredundant(A), _closure != 1, _closure != 3.
:- goal(X,V), not feasible(X,V).
% Backward regression of effects w.r.t. goal variable values
produce(X,V) :- goal(X,V), not initialState(X,V).
produce(X,V) :- active(A), precondition(A,X,V), not initialState(X,V).
produce(X,V) :- persist(X,V), active(A), has_condition(A,X,1), not postcondition(A,X,V).
persist(X,V) :- goal(X,V), initialState(X,V).
persist(X,V) :- active(A), precondition(A,X,V), initialState(X,V).
active(A) :- possible(A), postcondition(A,X,V), produce(X,V).
active(A) :- possible(A), _closure != 2, _closure != 3.

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#include <incmode>.
#const _parallel = 0.
% Define relevant fluents w.r.t. parallel mode
diverge(A1,A2,X) :- active(A1), active(A2), A1 < A2, postcondition(A1,X,V),
has_condition(A2,X,1), not postcondition(A2,X,V),
_parallel = 1 : _parallel != 2.
diverge(A1,A2) :- diverge(A1,A2,X), _parallel = 1.
exclude(A1,A2) :- diverge(A1,A2), precondition(A1,X,V),
has_condition(A2,X,0), not precondition(A2,X,V).
fluent(X,V) :- produce(X,V).
fluent(X,V) :- persist(X,V).
fluent(X,V) :- initialState(X,V), fluent(X).
fluent(X,V) :- active(A), postcondition(A,X,V), fluent(X).
fluent(X) :- fluent(X,V).
fluent(X) :- diverge(A1,A2,X), not exclude(A1,A2).
% Define unsubsumed mutexes
mutex(G,V) :- mutexGroup(G), contains(G,X,V), fluent(X,V).
mutex(G) :- mutexGroup(G), #count{V : mutex(G,V)} > 1.
% Define initial state
holds(X,V,0) :- initialState(X,V), fluent(X).
:- fluent(X), #count{V : holds(X,V,0) } > 1.
:- mutex(G), #count{X,V : holds(X,V,0), contains(G,X,V) } > 1.
#program step(t).
% Generate successor state
1 {holds(X,V,t) : fluent(X,V)} 1 :- fluent(X).
:- mutex(G), #count{X,V : holds(X,V,t), contains(G,X,V) } > 1.
change(X,t) :- holds(X,V,t), not holds(X,V,t-1).
% Generate actions
1 {occurs(A,t) : active(A)}.
:- occurs(A,t), postcondition(A,X,V), fluent(X), not holds(X,V,t).
effect(X,t) :- occurs(A,t), postcondition(A,X,V), fluent(X), not precondition(A,X,V).
:- change(X,t), not effect(X,t).
% Check w.r.t. parallel mode
:- _parallel != 1, _parallel != 2, #count{A : occurs(A,t)} > 1.
:- _parallel != 2, occurs(A,t), precondition(A,X,V), not holds(X,V,t-1).
invariant(X,t) :- occurs(A,t), precondition(A,X,V), _parallel = 1,
not has_condition(A,X,1).
:- invariant(X,t), effect(X,t).
singleton(X,t) :- occurs(A,t), precondition(A,X,V), _parallel = 1,
has_condition(A,X,1), not postcondition(A,X,V).
:- singleton(X,t), #count{A : occurs(A,t), postcondition(A,X,V), not precondition(A,X,V) } > 1.
#program check(t).
% Check goal conditions
:- query(t), goal(X,V), not holds(X,V,t).
#show occurs/2.