
827 lines
35 KiB

INFO Running translator.
INFO translator input: ['/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/elevator-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl', '/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/elevator-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-1.pddl']
INFO translator arguments: []
INFO translator time limit: None
INFO translator memory limit: None
INFO callstring: /home/pluehne/.usr/bin/python /home/wv/bin/linux/64/fast-downward-10997/builds/release64/bin/translate/translate.py /home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/elevator-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl /home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/elevator-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-1.pddl
Parsing: [0.050s CPU, 0.048s wall-clock]
Normalizing task... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock]
Generating Datalog program... [0.010s CPU, 0.011s wall-clock]
Normalizing Datalog program...
Normalizing Datalog program: [0.030s CPU, 0.029s wall-clock]
Preparing model... [0.030s CPU, 0.030s wall-clock]
Generated 46 rules.
Computing model... [0.450s CPU, 0.458s wall-clock]
3460 relevant atoms
2552 auxiliary atoms
6012 final queue length
11142 total queue pushes
Completing instantiation... [1.030s CPU, 1.029s wall-clock]
Instantiating: [1.560s CPU, 1.565s wall-clock]
Computing fact groups...
Finding invariants...
12 initial candidates
Finding invariants: [0.030s CPU, 0.032s wall-clock]
Checking invariant weight... [0.010s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock]
Instantiating groups... [0.010s CPU, 0.017s wall-clock]
Collecting mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock]
Choosing groups...
0 uncovered facts
Choosing groups: [0.010s CPU, 0.008s wall-clock]
Building translation key... [0.000s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock]
Computing fact groups: [0.080s CPU, 0.079s wall-clock]
Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.000s CPU, 0.002s wall-clock]
Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Building mutex information...
Building mutex information: [0.010s CPU, 0.003s wall-clock]
Translating task...
Processing axioms...
Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock]
Processing axioms: [0.040s CPU, 0.045s wall-clock]
Translating task: [0.810s CPU, 0.813s wall-clock]
0 effect conditions simplified
0 implied preconditions added
Detecting unreachable propositions...
0 operators removed
0 axioms removed
22 propositions removed
Detecting unreachable propositions: [0.400s CPU, 0.402s wall-clock]
Reordering and filtering variables...
22 of 22 variables necessary.
0 of 22 mutex groups necessary.
2816 of 2816 operators necessary.
0 of 0 axiom rules necessary.
Reordering and filtering variables: [0.130s CPU, 0.130s wall-clock]
Translator variables: 22
Translator derived variables: 0
Translator facts: 340
Translator goal facts: 14
Translator mutex groups: 0
Translator total mutex groups size: 0
Translator operators: 2816
Translator axioms: 0
Translator task size: 16720
Translator peak memory: 47308 KB
Writing output... [0.300s CPU, 0.322s wall-clock]
Done! [3.380s CPU, 3.404s wall-clock]
planner.py version 0.0.1
Time: 0.68s
Memory: 95MB
Iteration 1
Queue: [(0,0,0,True), (1,5,0,True), (2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 0
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0
Calls : 1
Time : 0.796s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time : 0.680s
Choices : 0
Conflicts : 0 (Analyzed: 0)
Restarts : 0
Problems : 1 (Average Length: 2.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 0 (Deleted: 0)
Binary : 0 (Ratio: 0.00%)
Ternary : 0 (Ratio: 0.00%)
Conflict : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 0 (Average: 0.00 Max: 0 Sum: 0)
Executed : 0 (Average: 0.00 Max: 0 Sum: 0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Bounded : 0 (Average: 0.00 Max: 0 Sum: 0 Ratio: 100.00%)
Rules : 50886
Atoms : 50886
Bodies : 1 (Original: 0)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 0 (Eliminated: 0 Frozen: 0)
Constraints : 0 (Binary: 0.0% Ternary: 0.0% Other: 0.0%)
Memory Peak : 231MB
Max. Length : 0 steps
Models : 0
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 0.00s
Memory: 167MB (+72MB)
Iteration Time: 0.00s
Iteration 2
Queue: [(1,5,0,True), (2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 0
Expected Memory: 167MB
Grounding... [('step', [1]), ('step', [2]), ('step', [3]), ('step', [4]), ('step', [5]), ('check', [5])]
Grounding Time: 0.20s
Memory: 167MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0
Calls : 2
Time : 1.288s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time : 1.172s
Choices : 152 (Domain: 152)
Conflicts : 26 (Analyzed: 25)
Restarts : 0
Problems : 2 (Average Length: 4.50 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 25 (Deleted: 0)
Binary : 15 (Ratio: 60.00%)
Ternary : 1 (Ratio: 4.00%)
Conflict : 25 (Average Length: 3.3 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 25 (Average: 6.28 Max: 26 Sum: 157)
Executed : 20 (Average: 6.08 Max: 26 Sum: 152 Ratio: 96.82%)
Bounded : 5 (Average: 1.00 Max: 1 Sum: 5 Ratio: 3.18%)
Rules : 50886
Atoms : 50886
Bodies : 1 (Original: 0)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 14462 (Eliminated: 0 Frozen: 14462)
Constraints : 44998 (Binary: 96.4% Ternary: 1.7% Other: 2.0%)
Memory Peak : 231MB
Max. Length : 0 steps
Models : 0
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 0.19s
Memory: 168MB (+1MB)
Iteration Time: 0.49s
Iteration 3
Queue: [(2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 5
Expected Memory: 169.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [6]), ('step', [7]), ('step', [8]), ('step', [9]), ('step', [10]), ('check', [10])]
Grounding Time: 0.20s
Memory: 172MB (+4MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0
Calls : 3
Time : 6.145s (Solving: 4.23s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 4.23s)
CPU Time : 6.028s
Choices : 66652 (Domain: 66652)
Conflicts : 23548 (Analyzed: 23546)
Restarts : 84 (Average: 280.31 Last: 221)
Problems : 3 (Average Length: 7.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 23546 (Deleted: 16788)
Binary : 336 (Ratio: 1.43%)
Ternary : 285 (Ratio: 1.21%)
Conflict : 23546 (Average Length: 368.5 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 23546 (Average: 2.71 Max: 131 Sum: 63725)
Executed : 23531 (Average: 2.71 Max: 131 Sum: 63699 Ratio: 99.96%)
Bounded : 15 (Average: 1.73 Max: 12 Sum: 26 Ratio: 0.04%)
Rules : 50886
Atoms : 50886
Bodies : 1 (Original: 0)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 32063 (Eliminated: 0 Frozen: 32063)
Constraints : 171898 (Binary: 97.0% Ternary: 1.4% Other: 1.6%)
Memory Peak : 231MB
Max. Length : 5 steps
Models : 0
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 4.55s
Memory: 181MB (+9MB)
Iteration Time: 4.86s
Iteration 4
Queue: [(3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 10
Expected Memory: 194.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [11]), ('step', [12]), ('step', [13]), ('step', [14]), ('step', [15]), ('check', [15])]
Grounding Time: 0.30s
Memory: 190MB (+9MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 1+
Calls : 4
Time : 6.902s (Solving: 4.25s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 4.23s)
CPU Time : 6.784s
Choices : 67035 (Domain: 67011)
Conflicts : 23556 (Analyzed: 23554)
Restarts : 84 (Average: 280.40 Last: 221)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 4 (Average Length: 9.50 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 23554 (Deleted: 16788)
Binary : 337 (Ratio: 1.43%)
Ternary : 285 (Ratio: 1.21%)
Conflict : 23554 (Average Length: 368.4 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 23554 (Average: 2.71 Max: 131 Sum: 63734)
Executed : 23539 (Average: 2.70 Max: 131 Sum: 63708 Ratio: 99.96%)
Bounded : 15 (Average: 1.73 Max: 12 Sum: 26 Ratio: 0.04%)
Rules : 50886
Atoms : 50886
Bodies : 1 (Original: 0)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 49664 (Eliminated: 0 Frozen: 49664)
Constraints : 298789 (Binary: 97.0% Ternary: 1.4% Other: 1.6%)
Memory Peak : 231MB
Max. Length : 10 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 0.34s
Memory: 202MB (+12MB)
Testing Time: 0.84s
Memory: 228MB (+26MB)
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 5
Time : 20.306s (Solving: 17.25s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 4.23s)
CPU Time : 20.192s
Choices : 284274 (Domain: 284250)
Conflicts : 51644 (Analyzed: 51642)
Restarts : 184 (Average: 280.66 Last: 221)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 5 (Average Length: 11.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 51642 (Deleted: 39204)
Binary : 799 (Ratio: 1.55%)
Ternary : 584 (Ratio: 1.13%)
Conflict : 51642 (Average Length: 468.5 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 51642 (Average: 5.26 Max: 371 Sum: 271456)
Executed : 51580 (Average: 5.24 Max: 371 Sum: 270647 Ratio: 99.70%)
Bounded : 62 (Average: 13.05 Max: 17 Sum: 809 Ratio: 0.30%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 50332 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 50290)
Constraints : 394383 (Binary: 97.6% Ternary: 1.1% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 231MB
Max. Length : 10 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 13.16s
Memory: 222MB (+-6MB)
Iteration Time: 14.76s
Iteration 5
Queue: [(4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 15
Expected Memory: 243.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [16]), ('step', [17]), ('step', [18]), ('step', [19]), ('step', [20]), ('check', [20])]
Grounding Time: 0.36s
Memory: 222MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 6
Time : 33.536s (Solving: 29.45s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 4.23s)
CPU Time : 33.428s
Choices : 679620 (Domain: 679596)
Conflicts : 79733 (Analyzed: 79731)
Restarts : 284 (Average: 280.74 Last: 221)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 6 (Average Length: 12.83 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 79731 (Deleted: 65573)
Binary : 1228 (Ratio: 1.54%)
Ternary : 947 (Ratio: 1.19%)
Conflict : 79731 (Average Length: 578.4 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 79731 (Average: 7.99 Max: 577 Sum: 636886)
Executed : 79646 (Average: 7.97 Max: 577 Sum: 635676 Ratio: 99.81%)
Bounded : 85 (Average: 14.24 Max: 22 Sum: 1210 Ratio: 0.19%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 68153 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 68111)
Constraints : 548688 (Binary: 97.6% Ternary: 1.1% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 232MB
Max. Length : 15 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 12.72s
Memory: 232MB (+10MB)
Iteration Time: 13.24s
Iteration 6
Queue: [(5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 20
Expected Memory: 253.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [21]), ('step', [22]), ('step', [23]), ('step', [24]), ('step', [25]), ('check', [25])]
Grounding Time: 0.40s
Memory: 236MB (+4MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 7
Time : 47.556s (Solving: 42.36s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 4.23s)
CPU Time : 47.452s
Choices : 1176895 (Domain: 1176871)
Conflicts : 107794 (Analyzed: 107792)
Restarts : 384 (Average: 280.71 Last: 221)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 7 (Average Length: 14.86 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 107792 (Deleted: 91129)
Binary : 1580 (Ratio: 1.47%)
Ternary : 1329 (Ratio: 1.23%)
Conflict : 107792 (Average Length: 648.4 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 107792 (Average: 10.10 Max: 880 Sum: 1088553)
Executed : 107700 (Average: 10.09 Max: 880 Sum: 1087154 Ratio: 99.87%)
Bounded : 92 (Average: 15.21 Max: 27 Sum: 1399 Ratio: 0.13%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 85974 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 85932)
Constraints : 708755 (Binary: 97.6% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 252MB
Max. Length : 20 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 13.45s
Memory: 252MB (+16MB)
Iteration Time: 14.03s
Iteration 7
Queue: [(6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 25
Expected Memory: 273.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [26]), ('step', [27]), ('step', [28]), ('step', [29]), ('step', [30]), ('check', [30])]
Grounding Time: 0.40s
Memory: 255MB (+3MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 8
Time : 64.498s (Solving: 58.19s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 4.23s)
CPU Time : 64.400s
Choices : 1987722 (Domain: 1987698)
Conflicts : 135893 (Analyzed: 135891)
Restarts : 484 (Average: 280.77 Last: 221)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 8 (Average Length: 17.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 135891 (Deleted: 117220)
Binary : 2004 (Ratio: 1.47%)
Ternary : 1684 (Ratio: 1.24%)
Conflict : 135891 (Average Length: 687.9 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 135891 (Average: 13.44 Max: 1067 Sum: 1826918)
Executed : 135782 (Average: 13.43 Max: 1067 Sum: 1824975 Ratio: 99.89%)
Bounded : 109 (Average: 17.83 Max: 32 Sum: 1943 Ratio: 0.11%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 103795 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 103753)
Constraints : 873975 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 25 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 16.36s
Memory: 331MB (+76MB)
Iteration Time: 16.95s
Iteration 8
Queue: [(3,15,1,True), (4,20,1,True), (5,25,1,True), (6,30,1,True), (7,35,0,True), (8,40,0,True), (9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 30
Blocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0
Calls : 9
Time : 76.926s (Solving: 70.58s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 76.832s
Choices : 2076379 (Domain: 2076355)
Conflicts : 162070 (Analyzed: 162067)
Restarts : 577 (Average: 280.88 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 9 (Average Length: 18.67 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 162067 (Deleted: 143279)
Binary : 2228 (Ratio: 1.37%)
Ternary : 1842 (Ratio: 1.14%)
Conflict : 162067 (Average Length: 637.9 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 162067 (Average: 11.79 Max: 1067 Sum: 1910691)
Executed : 161919 (Average: 11.77 Max: 1067 Sum: 1907655 Ratio: 99.84%)
Bounded : 148 (Average: 20.51 Max: 32 Sum: 3036 Ratio: 0.16%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 103795 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 103753)
Constraints : 870539 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 30 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 12.42s
Memory: 331MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time: 12.44s
Iteration 9
Queue: [(4,20,1,True), (5,25,1,True), (6,30,1,True), (7,35,0,True), (8,40,0,True), (9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 30
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 10
Time : 95.272s (Solving: 88.88s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 95.184s
Choices : 2197053 (Domain: 2197029)
Conflicts : 190206 (Analyzed: 190203)
Restarts : 677 (Average: 280.95 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 10 (Average Length: 20.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 190203 (Deleted: 168491)
Binary : 2393 (Ratio: 1.26%)
Ternary : 1941 (Ratio: 1.02%)
Conflict : 190203 (Average Length: 754.5 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 190203 (Average: 10.57 Max: 1067 Sum: 2010065)
Executed : 190055 (Average: 10.55 Max: 1067 Sum: 2007029 Ratio: 99.85%)
Bounded : 148 (Average: 20.51 Max: 32 Sum: 3036 Ratio: 0.15%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 103795 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 103753)
Constraints : 868487 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 30 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 18.33s
Memory: 331MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time: 18.36s
Iteration 10
Queue: [(5,25,1,True), (6,30,1,True), (7,35,0,True), (8,40,0,True), (9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 30
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 11
Time : 113.381s (Solving: 106.94s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 113.300s
Choices : 2379349 (Domain: 2379325)
Conflicts : 218318 (Analyzed: 218315)
Restarts : 777 (Average: 280.97 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 11 (Average Length: 21.09 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 218315 (Deleted: 195281)
Binary : 2592 (Ratio: 1.19%)
Ternary : 2051 (Ratio: 0.94%)
Conflict : 218315 (Average Length: 797.3 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 218315 (Average: 9.84 Max: 1067 Sum: 2148198)
Executed : 218166 (Average: 9.83 Max: 1067 Sum: 2145161 Ratio: 99.86%)
Bounded : 149 (Average: 20.38 Max: 32 Sum: 3037 Ratio: 0.14%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 103795 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 103753)
Constraints : 868487 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 30 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 18.09s
Memory: 331MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time: 18.12s
Iteration 11
Queue: [(6,30,1,True), (7,35,0,True), (8,40,0,True), (9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 30
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 12
Time : 127.350s (Solving: 120.87s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 127.272s
Choices : 2815540 (Domain: 2815516)
Conflicts : 246397 (Analyzed: 246394)
Restarts : 877 (Average: 280.95 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 12 (Average Length: 22.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 246394 (Deleted: 217725)
Binary : 2956 (Ratio: 1.20%)
Ternary : 2326 (Ratio: 0.94%)
Conflict : 246394 (Average Length: 820.2 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 246394 (Average: 10.20 Max: 1067 Sum: 2513821)
Executed : 246242 (Average: 10.19 Max: 1067 Sum: 2510781 Ratio: 99.88%)
Bounded : 152 (Average: 20.00 Max: 32 Sum: 3040 Ratio: 0.12%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 103795 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 103753)
Constraints : 868487 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 30 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 13.96s
Memory: 331MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time: 13.98s
Iteration 12
Queue: [(7,35,0,True), (8,40,0,True), (9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 30
Expected Memory: 410.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [31]), ('step', [32]), ('step', [33]), ('step', [34]), ('step', [35]), ('check', [35])]
Grounding Time: 0.43s
Memory: 339MB (+8MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 13
Time : 149.638s (Solving: 141.99s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 149.568s
Choices : 3973229 (Domain: 3973205)
Conflicts : 274499 (Analyzed: 274496)
Restarts : 977 (Average: 280.96 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 13 (Average Length: 23.15 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 274496 (Deleted: 247349)
Binary : 3318 (Ratio: 1.21%)
Ternary : 2674 (Ratio: 0.97%)
Conflict : 274496 (Average Length: 805.0 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 274496 (Average: 13.02 Max: 1755 Sum: 3573591)
Executed : 274323 (Average: 13.00 Max: 1755 Sum: 3569774 Ratio: 99.89%)
Bounded : 173 (Average: 22.06 Max: 37 Sum: 3817 Ratio: 0.11%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 121616 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 121574)
Constraints : 1036117 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 30 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 21.67s
Memory: 359MB (+20MB)
Iteration Time: 22.30s
Iteration 13
Queue: [(8,40,0,True), (9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 35
Expected Memory: 438.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [36]), ('step', [37]), ('step', [38]), ('step', [39]), ('step', [40]), ('check', [40])]
Grounding Time: 0.35s
Memory: 359MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 0+
Calls : 14
Time : 172.939s (Solving: 164.21s 1st Model: 0.01s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 172.880s
Choices : 5113488 (Domain: 5113464)
Conflicts : 302578 (Analyzed: 302575)
Restarts : 1077 (Average: 280.94 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 391.0
Problems : 14 (Average Length: 24.50 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 302575 (Deleted: 270020)
Binary : 3582 (Ratio: 1.18%)
Ternary : 2876 (Ratio: 0.95%)
Conflict : 302575 (Average Length: 880.1 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 302575 (Average: 15.12 Max: 2067 Sum: 4574848)
Executed : 302402 (Average: 15.11 Max: 2067 Sum: 4571031 Ratio: 99.92%)
Bounded : 173 (Average: 22.06 Max: 37 Sum: 3817 Ratio: 0.08%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 139437 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 139395)
Constraints : 1202518 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 395MB
Max. Length : 35 steps
Models : 1
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 22.76s
Memory: 372MB (+13MB)
Iteration Time: 23.32s
Iteration 14
Queue: [(9,45,0,True), (10,50,0,True), (11,55,0,True), (12,60,0,True), (13,65,0,True), (14,70,0,True), (15,75,0,True), (16,80,0,True)]
Grounded Until: 40
Expected Memory: 451.0MB
Grounding... [('step', [41]), ('step', [42]), ('step', [43]), ('step', [44]), ('step', [45]), ('check', [45])]
Grounding Time: 0.37s
Memory: 374MB (+2MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]
Models : 1+
Calls : 15
Time : 189.403s (Solving: 179.54s 1st Model: 15.33s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 189.348s
Choices : 5634949 (Domain: 5634780)
Conflicts : 322700 (Analyzed: 322697)
Restarts : 1146 (Average: 281.59 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 1198.5
Problems : 15 (Average Length: 26.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 322697 (Deleted: 289510)
Binary : 3655 (Ratio: 1.13%)
Ternary : 2933 (Ratio: 0.91%)
Conflict : 322697 (Average Length: 979.5 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 322697 (Average: 15.41 Max: 2067 Sum: 4973905)
Executed : 322523 (Average: 15.40 Max: 2067 Sum: 4970041 Ratio: 99.92%)
Bounded : 174 (Average: 22.21 Max: 47 Sum: 3864 Ratio: 0.08%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 157258 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 157216)
Constraints : 1370148 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 516MB
Max. Length : 40 steps
Models : 2
[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time: 15.89s
Memory: 452MB (+78MB)
Testing Time: 0.00s
Memory: 452MB (+0MB)
Answer: 2
occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n12","n13")),1) occurs(action(("board","p6","fast0","n8","n0","n1")),1) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast1","n12","n0")),1) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n2","n0")),1) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n8","n12")),2) occurs(action(("board","p3","fast1","n0","n0","n1")),2) occurs(action(("board","p12","slow1-0","n13","n0","n1")),2) occurs(action(("leave","p6","fast0","n12","n1","n0")),3) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast1","n0","n16")),3) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n13","n16")),3) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n12","n16")),4) occurs(action(("leave","p3","fast1","n16","n1","n0")),4) occurs(action(("leave","p12","slow1-0","n16","n1","n0")),4) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n16","n10")),5) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast1","n16","n4")),5) occurs(action(("board","p12","fast0","n16","n0","n1")),5) occurs(action(("board","p10","fast1","n4","n0","n1")),6) occurs(action(("board","p1","slow1-0","n10","n0","n1")),6) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n16","n0")),6) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n10","n15")),7) occurs(action(("leave","p12","fast0","n0","n1","n0")),7) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast1","n4","n12")),7) occurs(action(("leave","p10","fast1","n12","n1","n0")),8) occurs(action(("leave","p1","slow1-0","n15","n1","n0")),8) occurs(action(("board","p12","slow0-0","n0","n0","n1")),8) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n0","n12")),8) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n0","n5")),9) occurs(action(("board","p5","fast0","n12","n0","n1")),9) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast1","n12","n8")),9) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n15","n16")),9) occurs(action(("leave","p12","slow0-0","n5","n1","n0")),10) occurs(action(("board","p3","slow1-0","n16","n0","n1")),10) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n12","n0")),10) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n16","n14")),11) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n5","n8")),11) occurs(action(("leave","p5","fast0","n0","n1","n0")),11) occurs(action(("leave","p3","slow1-0","n14","n1","n0")),12) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n0","n12")),12) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n14","n9")),13) occurs(action(("board","p4","slow1-0","n9","n0","n1")),14) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n9","n8")),15) occurs(action(("leave","p4","slow1-0","n8","n1","n0")),16) occurs(action(("board","p4","slow0-0","n8","n0","n1")),17) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n8","n12")),17) occurs(action(("board","p6","slow1-0","n12","n0","n1")),18) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n8","n5")),18) occurs(action(("leave","p4","slow0-0","n5","n1","n0")),19) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n12","n14")),19) occurs(action(("leave","p6","slow1-0","n14","n1","n0")),20) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n12","n0")),20) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast1","n8","n0")),20) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n5","n0")),20) occurs(action(("board","p5","slow0-0","n0","n0","n1")),21) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n14","n8")),21) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n0","n2")),22) occurs(action(("leave","p5","slow0-0","n2","n1","n0")),23) occurs(action(("board","p9","slow0-0","n2","n0","n1")),24) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n0","n4")),25) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n2","n8")),25) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast1","n0","n16")),26) occurs(action(("leave","p9","slow0-0","n8","n1","n0")),26) occurs(action(("board","p9","slow1-0","n8","n0","n1")),27) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n8","n5")),27) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n8","n9")),28) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n4","n12")),28) occurs(action(("board","p8","slow0-0","n5","n0","n1")),28) occurs(action(("leave","p9","slow1-0","n9","n1","n0")),29) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n5","n8")),29) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n9","n8")),30) occurs(action(("leave","p8","slow0-0","n8","n1","n0")),30) occurs(action(("board","p8","slow1-0","n8","n0","n1")),31) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n12","n4")),31) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n8","n3")),31) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n8","n10")),32) occurs(action(("board","p7","slow0-0","n3","n0","n1")),32) occurs(action(("leave","p8","slow1-0","n10","n1","n0")),33) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n3","n4")),33) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n4","n16")),33) occurs(action(("leave","p7","slow0-0","n4","n1","n0")),34) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n10","n13")),34) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n16","n12")),34) occurs(action(("board","p2","slow1-0","n13","n0","n1")),35) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n4","n7")),35) occurs(action(("board","p13","slow0-0","n7","n0","n1")),36) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n13","n8")),36) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n12","n8")),36) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow0-0","n7","n8")),37) occurs(action(("leave","p2","slow1-0","n8","n1","n0")),37) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n8","n4")),38) occurs(action(("board","p2","slow0-0","n8","n1","n2")),38) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n8","n13")),38) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast1","n16","n0")),38) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n8","n6")),39) occurs(action(("board","p0","slow1-0","n13","n0","n1")),39) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast0","n4","n8")),39) occurs(action(("leave","p2","slow0-0","n6","n2","n1")),40) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow1-0","n13","n8")),40) occurs(action(("leave","p13","slow0-0","n6","n1","n0")),41) occurs(action(("leave","p0","slow1-0","n8","n1","n0")),41) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast1","n0","n16")),41) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast0","n8","n4")),42) occurs(action(("move-down-slow","slow0-0","n6","n0")),42) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n8","n11")),42) occurs(action(("board","p11","slow1-0","n11","n0","n1")),43) occurs(action(("move-down-fast","fast1","n16","n0")),43) occurs(action(("move-up-slow","slow1-0","n11","n13")),44) occurs(action(("move-up-fast","fast1","n0","n12")),44) occurs(action(("leave","p11","slow1-0","n13","n1","n0")),45)
Models : 1+
Calls : 15
Time : 189.403s (Solving: 179.54s 1st Model: 15.33s Unsat: 16.62s)
CPU Time : 189.348s
Choices : 5634949 (Domain: 5634780)
Conflicts : 322700 (Analyzed: 322697)
Restarts : 1146 (Average: 281.59 Last: 468)
Model-Level : 1198.5
Problems : 15 (Average Length: 26.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas : 322697 (Deleted: 289510)
Binary : 3655 (Ratio: 1.13%)
Ternary : 2933 (Ratio: 0.91%)
Conflict : 322697 (Average Length: 979.5 Ratio: 100.00%)
Loop : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Other : 0 (Average Length: 0.0 Ratio: 0.00%)
Backjumps : 322697 (Average: 15.41 Max: 2067 Sum: 4973905)
Executed : 322523 (Average: 15.40 Max: 2067 Sum: 4970041 Ratio: 99.92%)
Bounded : 174 (Average: 22.21 Max: 47 Sum: 3864 Ratio: 0.08%)
Rules : 151645 (Original: 151607)
Atoms : 57041
Bodies : 64619 (Original: 64580)
Count : 299 (Original: 303)
Equivalences : 33627 (Atom=Atom: 21 Body=Body: 0 Other: 33606)
Tight : Yes
Variables : 157258 (Eliminated: 42 Frozen: 157216)
Constraints : 1370148 (Binary: 97.7% Ternary: 1.0% Other: 1.3%)
Memory Peak : 516MB
Max. Length : 45 steps
Sol. Length : 45 steps
Models : 2