
278 lines
6.1 KiB

Madagascar 0.99999 01/02/2018 14:46:04 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS)
Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/barman-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/barman-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-16.pddlignoring --stats
ignoring --stats-iter
ignoring --verbose
-m 8192
Domain: barman
Problem: prob
Parser: 3170 ground actions and 546 state variables
Invariants: 0 1 2 3 0.04 secs
Goal: conjunctive
Simplified: 1970 ground actions and 363 state variables
Actions: STRIPS
Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.04 secs (max SCC size 336)
Plan type: E-step
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 136 MB)
Horizon 0: 363 variables
0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 5: 18638 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 323 MB)
Horizon 10: 36913 variables
5 UNSAT (96 decisions 96 conflicts)
Horizon 15: 55188 variables
Horizon 20: 73463 variables
Horizon 25: 91738 variables
Horizon 30: 110013 variables
Horizon 35: 128288 variables
Horizon 40: 146563 variables
Horizon 45: 164838 variables
Horizon 50: 183113 variables
Horizon 55: 201388 variables
Horizon 60: 219663 variables
10 UNSAT (662 decisions 632 conflicts)
Horizon 65: 237938 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1460 MB)
Horizon 70: 256213 variables
Horizon 75: 274488 variables
Horizon 80: 292763 variables
Horizon 85: 311038 variables
Horizon 90: 329313 variables
Horizon 95: 347588 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2064 MB)
Horizon 100: 365863 variables
Horizon 105: 384138 variables
Horizon 110: 402413 variables
GC: 17.68 MB
GC: 19.23 MB
15 UNSAT (6830 decisions 5546 conflicts)
Horizon 115: 420688 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 2396 MB)
GC: 36.83 MB
GC: 28.47 MB
GC: 28.81 MB
GC: 28.24 MB
GC: 28.37 MB
GC: 31.01 MB
GC: 30.90 MB
GC: 31.74 MB
GC: 32.44 MB
GC: 35.21 MB
GC: 33.70 MB
GC: 36.31 MB
GC: 35.28 MB
GC: 39.14 MB
GC: 39.43 MB
GC: 43.43 MB
GC: 42.94 MB
GC: 37.70 MB
GC: 43.21 MB
GC: 45.86 MB
GC: 46.31 MB
GC: 46.80 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 2428 MB)
GC: 47.25 MB
GC: 44.89 MB
GC: 49.38 MB
GC: 47.66 MB
GC: 51.12 MB
GC: 52.07 MB
GC: 53.08 MB
GC: 52.69 MB
GC: 53.49 MB
GC: 56.45 MB
GC: 58.61 MB
GC: 56.01 MB
GC: 60.89 MB
GC: 58.81 MB
GC: 63.44 MB
GC: 67.34 MB
GC: 66.40 MB
GC: 66.70 MB
GC: 65.99 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 2460 MB)
GC: 73.61 MB
GC: 74.25 MB
GC: 69.42 MB
GC: 72.96 MB
GC: 72.42 MB
GC: 71.99 MB
GC: 76.36 MB
GC: 76.89 MB
GC: 77.38 MB
GC: 79.52 MB
GC: 78.69 MB
GC: 82.51 MB
GC: 81.65 MB
GC: 84.02 MB
GC: 86.08 MB
GC: 87.00 MB
GC: 93.91 MB
GC: 91.50 MB
GC: 92.93 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 2492 MB)
GC: 96.91 MB
GC: 94.47 MB
GC: 96.42 MB
GC: 91.14 MB
GC: 93.82 MB
GC: 95.93 MB
GC: 101.24 MB
GC: 96.78 MB
GC: 105.14 MB
GC: 106.96 MB
GC: 106.68 MB
GC: 107.88 MB
GC: 113.82 MB
GC: 109.17 MB
GC: 111.35 MB
GC: 107.62 MB
GC: 113.63 MB
GC: 117.09 MB
GC: 111.96 MB
GC: 120.01 MB
GC: 116.94 MB
GC: 115.87 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 2524 MB)
GC: 133.64 MB
# statistics in YAML format
total: 899.60 # [s]
preprocessing: 0.09 # [s]
maxLearnedClauseLength: 14996
afterParsing: 3170
afterPreprocessing: 1970
afterParsing: 546
afterPreprocessing: 363
maxSize: 336
found: false
- horizon: 0
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 363
- horizon: 5
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 96
decisions: 96
variables: 18638
- horizon: 10
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 632
decisions: 662
variables: 36913
- horizon: 15
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 5546
decisions: 6830
variables: 55188
- horizon: 20
result: unknown
conflicts: 395050
decisions: 510508
variables: 73463
- horizon: 25
result: unknown
conflicts: 355299
decisions: 507597
variables: 91738
- horizon: 30
result: unknown
conflicts: 319737
decisions: 486821
variables: 110013
- horizon: 35
result: unknown
conflicts: 287754
decisions: 461208
variables: 128288
- horizon: 40
result: unknown
conflicts: 258956
decisions: 433724
variables: 146563
- horizon: 45
result: unknown
conflicts: 233050
decisions: 406105
variables: 164838
- horizon: 50
result: unknown
conflicts: 209843
decisions: 373842
variables: 183113
- horizon: 55
result: unknown
conflicts: 188781
decisions: 347059
variables: 201388
- horizon: 60
result: unknown
conflicts: 169895
decisions: 320771
variables: 219663
- horizon: 65
result: unknown
conflicts: 152975
decisions: 290506
variables: 237938
- horizon: 70
result: unknown
conflicts: 137622
decisions: 264218
variables: 256213
- horizon: 75
result: unknown
conflicts: 123854
decisions: 243385
variables: 274488
- horizon: 80
result: unknown
conflicts: 111506
decisions: 213237
variables: 292763
- horizon: 85
result: unknown
conflicts: 100326
decisions: 194178
variables: 311038
- horizon: 90
result: unknown
conflicts: 90350
decisions: 179201
variables: 329313
- horizon: 95
result: unknown
conflicts: 81292
decisions: 165152
variables: 347588
- horizon: 100
result: unknown
conflicts: 73167
decisions: 148140
variables: 365863
- horizon: 105
result: unknown
conflicts: 65841
decisions: 132051
variables: 384138
- horizon: 110
result: unknown
conflicts: 59318
decisions: 119086
variables: 402413
- horizon: 115
result: unknown
conflicts: 53354
decisions: 103747
variables: 420688