INFO     Running translator.
INFO     translator input: ['/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/tidybot-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl', '/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/tidybot-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-13.pddl']
INFO     translator arguments: []
INFO     translator time limit: None
INFO     translator memory limit: None
INFO     callstring: /home/pluehne/.usr/bin/python /home/wv/bin/linux/64/fast-downward-10997/builds/release64/bin/translate/ /home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/tidybot-sequential-satisficing/domain.pddl /home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2011/domains/tidybot-sequential-satisficing/instances/instance-13.pddl
Parsing: [0.120s CPU, 0.227s wall-clock]
Normalizing task... [0.010s CPU, 0.009s wall-clock]
Generating Datalog program... [0.020s CPU, 0.021s wall-clock]
Normalizing Datalog program...
Normalizing Datalog program: [0.230s CPU, 0.228s wall-clock]
Preparing model... [0.060s CPU, 0.068s wall-clock]
Generated 400 rules.
Computing model... [9.200s CPU, 9.191s wall-clock]
44906 relevant atoms
39548 auxiliary atoms
84454 final queue length
234012 total queue pushes
Completing instantiation... [26.260s CPU, 26.248s wall-clock]
Instantiating: [35.870s CPU, 35.858s wall-clock]
Computing fact groups...
Finding invariants...
41 initial candidates
Finding invariants: [1.530s CPU, 1.526s wall-clock]
Checking invariant weight... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Instantiating groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Collecting mutex groups... [0.010s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock]
Choosing groups...
459 uncovered facts
Choosing groups: [0.000s CPU, 0.001s wall-clock]
Building translation key... [0.010s CPU, 0.017s wall-clock]
Computing fact groups: [1.580s CPU, 1.579s wall-clock]
Building STRIPS to SAS dictionary... [0.010s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock]
Building dictionary for full mutex groups... [0.000s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock]
Building mutex information...
Building mutex information: [0.010s CPU, 0.004s wall-clock]
Translating task...
Processing axioms...
Simplifying axioms... [0.000s CPU, 0.000s wall-clock]
Processing axioms: [1.660s CPU, 1.663s wall-clock]
Translating task: [31.700s CPU, 31.695s wall-clock]
124181 effect conditions simplified
0 implied preconditions added
Detecting unreachable propositions...
0 operators removed
0 axioms removed
2 propositions removed
Detecting unreachable propositions: [14.440s CPU, 14.423s wall-clock]
Reordering and filtering variables...
461 of 461 variables necessary.
1 of 3 mutex groups necessary.
44248 of 44248 operators necessary.
0 of 0 axiom rules necessary.
Reordering and filtering variables: [10.570s CPU, 10.568s wall-clock]
Translator variables: 461
Translator derived variables: 0
Translator facts: 925
Translator goal facts: 4
Translator mutex groups: 1
Translator total mutex groups size: 2
Translator operators: 44248
Translator axioms: 0
Translator task size: 541924
Translator peak memory: 325648 KB
Writing output... [9.030s CPU, 9.661s wall-clock]
Done! [104.310s CPU, 105.010s wall-clock] version 0.0.1

Time:	 26.61s
Memory: 1672MB

Iteration 1
Queue:		 [(0,0,0,True), (1,5,0,True), (2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until:	 0
[start: stats after solve call]

Models       : 0
Calls        : 1
Time         : 31.425s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 26.728s

Choices      : 0       
Conflicts    : 0        (Analyzed: 0)
Restarts     : 0       
Problems     : 1        (Average Length: 2.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 0        (Deleted: 0)
  Binary     : 0        (Ratio:   0.00%)
  Ternary    : 0        (Ratio:   0.00%)
  Conflict   : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0)
  Executed   : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0 Ratio:   0.00%)
  Bounded    : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0 Ratio: 100.00%)

Rules        : 1496925 
Atoms        : 1496925 
Bodies       : 1        (Original: 0)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 0        (Eliminated:    0 Frozen:    0)
Constraints  : 0        (Binary:   0.0% Ternary:   0.0% Other:   0.0%)

Memory Peak  : 1808MB
Max. Length  : 0 steps
Models       : 0

[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time:	 0.12s
Memory:		 1744MB (+72MB)
Iteration Time:	 0.12s

Iteration 2
Queue:		 [(1,5,0,True), (2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until:	 0
Expected Memory: 1744MB
Grounding...	 [('step', [1]), ('step', [2]), ('step', [3]), ('step', [4]), ('step', [5]), ('check', [5])]
Grounding Time:	 4.83s
Memory:		 1744MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]

Models       : 0
Calls        : 2
Time         : 51.109s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 46.420s

Choices      : 0       
Conflicts    : 0        (Analyzed: 0)
Restarts     : 0       
Problems     : 2        (Average Length: 4.50 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 0        (Deleted: 0)
  Binary     : 0        (Ratio:   0.00%)
  Ternary    : 0        (Ratio:   0.00%)
  Conflict   : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0)
  Executed   : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0 Ratio:   0.00%)
  Bounded    : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0 Ratio: 100.00%)

Rules        : 1496925 
Atoms        : 1496925 
Bodies       : 1        (Original: 0)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 107318   (Eliminated:    0 Frozen: 107318)
Constraints  : 8257     (Binary:  94.7% Ternary:   2.9% Other:   2.4%)

Memory Peak  : 1808MB
Max. Length  : 0 steps
Models       : 0

[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time:	 12.72s
Memory:		 1770MB (+26MB)
Iteration Time:	 19.70s

Iteration 3
Queue:		 [(2,10,0,True), (3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until:	 5
Expected Memory: 1796.0MB
Grounding...	 [('step', [6]), ('step', [7]), ('step', [8]), ('step', [9]), ('step', [10]), ('check', [10])]
Grounding Time:	 5.49s
Memory:		 1770MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]

Models       : 0
Calls        : 3
Time         : 84.440s (Solving: 0.00s 1st Model: 0.00s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 79.768s

Choices      : 0       
Conflicts    : 1        (Analyzed: 0)
Restarts     : 0       
Problems     : 3        (Average Length: 7.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 0        (Deleted: 0)
  Binary     : 0        (Ratio:   0.00%)
  Ternary    : 0        (Ratio:   0.00%)
  Conflict   : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0)
  Executed   : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0 Ratio:   0.00%)
  Bounded    : 0        (Average:  0.00 Max:   0 Sum:      0 Ratio: 100.00%)

Rules        : 1496925 
Atoms        : 1496925 
Bodies       : 1        (Original: 0)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 215715   (Eliminated:    0 Frozen: 215715)
Constraints  : 268895   (Binary:  98.8% Ternary:   0.6% Other:   0.6%)

Memory Peak  : 1808MB
Max. Length  : 5 steps
Models       : 0

[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time:	 25.47s
Memory:		 1793MB (+23MB)
Iteration Time:	 33.35s

Iteration 4
Queue:		 [(3,15,0,True), (4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until:	 10
Expected Memory: 1819.0MB
Grounding...	 [('step', [11]), ('step', [12]), ('step', [13]), ('step', [14]), ('step', [15]), ('check', [15])]
Grounding Time:	 5.03s
Memory:		 1793MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]

Models       : 1+
Calls        : 4
Time         : 122.438s (Solving: 0.15s 1st Model: 0.12s Unsat: 0.00s)
CPU Time     : 117.784s

Choices      : 14801    (Domain: 3146)
Conflicts    : 315      (Analyzed: 314)
Restarts     : 2        (Average: 157.00 Last: 113)
Model-Level  : 1949.0  
Problems     : 4        (Average Length: 9.50 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 314      (Deleted: 0)
  Binary     : 25       (Ratio:   7.96%)
  Ternary    : 21       (Ratio:   6.69%)
  Conflict   : 314      (Average Length:   77.6 Ratio: 100.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 314      (Average: 35.06 Max: 1443 Sum:  11010)
  Executed   : 312      (Average: 34.96 Max: 1443 Sum:  10976 Ratio:  99.69%)
  Bounded    : 2        (Average: 17.00 Max:  17 Sum:     34 Ratio:   0.31%)

Rules        : 1496925 
Atoms        : 1496925 
Bodies       : 1        (Original: 0)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 332051   (Eliminated:    0 Frozen: 332051)
Constraints  : 1423375  (Binary:  99.3% Ternary:   0.3% Other:   0.3%)

Memory Peak  : 1838MB
Max. Length  : 10 steps
Models       : 1

[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time:	 30.38s
Memory:		 1838MB (+45MB)
Testing Time:	 31.11s
Memory:		 2790MB (+952MB)
[start: stats after solve call]

Models       : 0
Calls        : 5
Time         : 131.628s (Solving: 0.28s 1st Model: 0.12s Unsat: 0.13s)
CPU Time     : 126.976s

Choices      : 15250    (Domain: 3541)
Conflicts    : 406      (Analyzed: 404)
Restarts     : 2        (Average: 202.00 Last: 113)
Model-Level  : 1949.0  
Problems     : 5        (Average Length: 11.00 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 404      (Deleted: 0)
  Binary     : 45       (Ratio:  11.14%)
  Ternary    : 27       (Ratio:   6.68%)
  Conflict   : 404      (Average Length:   76.9 Ratio: 100.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 404      (Average: 28.75 Max: 1443 Sum:  11613)
  Executed   : 390      (Average: 28.28 Max: 1443 Sum:  11425 Ratio:  98.38%)
  Bounded    : 14       (Average: 13.43 Max:  17 Sum:    188 Ratio:   1.62%)

Rules        : 1991559  (Original: 1990780)
Atoms        : 1588389 
Bodies       : 259350   (Original: 258659)
  Count      : 2411     (Original: 2525)
Equivalences : 83392    (Atom=Atom: 107 Body=Body: 0 Other: 83285)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 337844   (Eliminated:  722 Frozen: 337045)
Constraints  : 1837770  (Binary:  99.1% Ternary:   0.3% Other:   0.5%)

Memory Peak  : 2790MB
Max. Length  : 10 steps
Models       : 1

[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time:	 1.35s
Memory:		 2790MB (+0MB)
Iteration Time:	 70.48s

Iteration 5
Queue:		 [(4,20,0,True), (5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until:	 15
Expected Memory: 2835.0MB
Grounding...	 [('step', [16]), ('step', [17]), ('step', [18]), ('step', [19]), ('step', [20]), ('check', [20])]
Grounding Time:	 11.05s
Memory:		 2790MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
[start: stats after solve call]

Models       : 0+
Calls        : 6
Time         : 419.442s (Solving: 219.40s 1st Model: 0.12s Unsat: 0.13s)
CPU Time     : 414.912s

Choices      : 91503    (Domain: 44155)
Conflicts    : 28599    (Analyzed: 28597)
Restarts     : 102      (Average: 280.36 Last: 200)
Model-Level  : 1949.0  
Problems     : 6        (Average Length: 12.83 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 28597    (Deleted: 17892)
  Binary     : 117      (Ratio:   0.41%)
  Ternary    : 66       (Ratio:   0.23%)
  Conflict   : 28597    (Average Length: 4053.1 Ratio: 100.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 28597    (Average:  2.86 Max: 2062 Sum:  81738)
  Executed   : 28567    (Average:  2.84 Max: 2062 Sum:  81200 Ratio:  99.34%)
  Bounded    : 30       (Average: 17.93 Max:  22 Sum:    538 Ratio:   0.66%)

Rules        : 1991559  (Original: 1990780)
Atoms        : 1588389 
Bodies       : 259350   (Original: 258659)
  Count      : 2411     (Original: 2525)
Equivalences : 83392    (Atom=Atom: 107 Body=Body: 0 Other: 83285)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 470215   (Eliminated:  722 Frozen: 469475)
Constraints  : 4517055  (Binary:  99.4% Ternary:   0.2% Other:   0.4%)

Memory Peak  : 3068MB
Max. Length  : 15 steps
Models       : 1

[endof: stats after solve call]
Solving Time:	 273.94s
Memory:		 3004MB (+214MB)
Iteration Time:	 287.95s

Iteration 6
Queue:		 [(5,25,0,True), (6,30,0,True)]
Grounded Until:	 20
Expected Memory: 3218.0MB
Grounding...	 [('step', [21]), ('step', [22]), ('step', [23]), ('step', [24]), ('step', [25]), ('check', [25])]
Grounding Time:	 9.73s
Memory:		 3004MB (+0MB)
Unblocking actions...
*** Info : (planner): INTERRUPTED by signal!


Models       : 0+
Calls        : 7
Time         : 768.867s (Solving: 496.49s 1st Model: 0.12s Unsat: 0.13s)
CPU Time     : 764.472s

Choices      : 136722   (Domain: 86520)
Conflicts    : 56583    (Analyzed: 56581)
Restarts     : 200      (Average: 282.90 Last: 200)
Model-Level  : 1949.0  
Problems     : 7        (Average Length: 14.86 Splits: 0)
Lemmas       : 56581    (Deleted: 45422)
  Binary     : 136      (Ratio:   0.24%)
  Ternary    : 70       (Ratio:   0.12%)
  Conflict   : 56581    (Average Length: 4364.2 Ratio: 100.00%) 
  Loop       : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
  Other      : 0        (Average Length:    0.0 Ratio:   0.00%) 
Backjumps    : 56581    (Average:  2.19 Max: 2062 Sum: 124008)
  Executed   : 56550    (Average:  2.18 Max: 2062 Sum: 123443 Ratio:  99.54%)
  Bounded    : 31       (Average: 18.23 Max:  27 Sum:    565 Ratio:   0.46%)

Rules        : 1991559  (Original: 1990780)
Atoms        : 1588389 
Bodies       : 259350   (Original: 258659)
  Count      : 2411     (Original: 2525)
Equivalences : 83392    (Atom=Atom: 107 Body=Body: 0 Other: 83285)
Tight        : Yes
Variables    : 607406   (Eliminated:  722 Frozen: 606684)
Constraints  : 7442034  (Binary:  99.5% Ternary:   0.2% Other:   0.3%)

Memory Peak  : 3284MB
Max. Length  : 20 steps
Models       : 1