Madagascar 0.99999 01/02/2018 14:46:04 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS) Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2000/domains/blocks-strips-typed/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2000/domains/blocks-strips-typed/instances/instance-94.pddlignoring --stats ignoring --stats-iter ignoring --verbose -m 8192 Domain: blocks Problem: blocks-46-1 Parser: 4324 ground actions and 2255 state variables Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3.05 secs Goal: conjunctive Simplified: 4324 ground actions and 2255 state variables Actions: STRIPS Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2.17 secs (max SCC size 1) Plan type: E-step Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 170 MB) Horizon 0: 2255 variables 0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 5: 35150 variables 5 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 10: 68045 variables 10 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 15: 100940 variables 15 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 20: 133835 variables 20 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 25: 166730 variables 25 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 30: 199625 variables 30 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 872 MB) Horizon 35: 232520 variables 35 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 40: 265415 variables 40 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 45: 298310 variables 45 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1186 MB) Horizon 50: 331205 variables 50 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 55: 364100 variables 55 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1416 MB) Horizon 60: 396995 variables 60 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 65: 429890 variables 65 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1653 MB) Horizon 70: 462785 variables 70 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1791 MB) Horizon 75: 495680 variables 75 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 80: 528575 variables 80 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2040 MB) Horizon 85: 561470 variables 85 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2183 MB) Horizon 90: 594365 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 2215 MB) 90 UNSAT (7 decisions 7 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2361 MB) Horizon 95: 627260 variables 95 UNSAT (29 decisions 29 conflicts) Horizon 100: 660155 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2626 MB) Horizon 105: 693050 variables 100 UNSAT (126 decisions 79 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2777 MB) Horizon 110: 725945 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2930 MB) Horizon 115: 758840 variables 105 UNSAT (174 decisions 138 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3085 MB) Horizon 120: 791735 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3242 MB) Horizon 125: 824630 variables 110 UNSAT (205 decisions 186 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3401 MB) Horizon 130: 857525 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3562 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3594 MB) Horizon 135: 890420 variables 115 UNSAT (459 decisions 264 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3757 MB) Horizon 140: 923315 variables 120 UNSAT (490 decisions 274 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3922 MB) Horizon 145: 956210 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4089 MB) Horizon 150: 989105 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4258 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4290 MB) Horizon 155: 1022000 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4460 MB) Horizon 160: 1054895 variables 125 UNSAT (685 decisions 429 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4633 MB) Horizon 165: 1087790 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4808 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4840 MB) Horizon 170: 1120685 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5016 MB) Horizon 175: 1153580 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5195 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5227 MB) Horizon 180: 1186475 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5407 MB) Horizon 185: 1219370 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5590 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5622 MB) Horizon 190: 1252265 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5806 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5838 MB) Horizon 195: 1285160 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6024 MB) Horizon 200: 1318055 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6212 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6244 MB) Horizon 205: 1350950 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6435 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6467 MB) Horizon 210: 1383845 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6659 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6691 MB) Horizon 215: 1416740 variables 130 UNSAT (2313 decisions 1068 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6885 MB) Horizon 220: 1449635 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7081 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7113 MB) Horizon 225: 1482530 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7311 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7343 MB) Horizon 230: 1515425 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 7375 MB) GC: 511.37 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 7407 MB) GC: 61.42 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 7439 MB) GC: 92.73 MB GC: 93.25 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 7471 MB) GC: 99.52 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 7503 MB) GC: 130.56 MB GC: 113.33 MB GC: 151.53 MB GC: 148.33 MB GC: 113.39 MB GC: 136.21 MB GC: 133.29 MB GC: 128.88 MB GC: 132.99 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 7535 MB) GC: 162.52 MB GC: 147.94 MB GC: 157.94 MB GC: 149.88 MB GC: 167.25 MB GC: 180.14 MB # statistics in YAML format --- runtime: total: 899.14 # [s] preprocessing: 5.34 # [s] maxLearnedClauseLength: 30860 groundActions: afterParsing: 4324 afterPreprocessing: 4324 stateVariables: afterParsing: 2255 afterPreprocessing: 2255 stronglyConnectedComponents: maxSize: 1 plan: found: false iterations: - horizon: 0 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 2255 - horizon: 5 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 35150 - horizon: 10 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 68045 - horizon: 15 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 100940 - horizon: 20 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 133835 - horizon: 25 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 166730 - horizon: 30 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 199625 - horizon: 35 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 232520 - horizon: 40 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 265415 - horizon: 45 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 298310 - horizon: 50 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 331205 - horizon: 55 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 364100 - horizon: 60 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 396995 - horizon: 65 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 429890 - horizon: 70 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 462785 - horizon: 75 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 495680 - horizon: 80 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 528575 - horizon: 85 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 561470 - horizon: 90 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 7 decisions: 7 variables: 594365 - horizon: 95 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 29 decisions: 29 variables: 627260 - horizon: 100 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 79 decisions: 126 variables: 660155 - horizon: 105 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 138 decisions: 174 variables: 693050 - horizon: 110 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 186 decisions: 205 variables: 725945 - horizon: 115 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 264 decisions: 459 variables: 758840 - horizon: 120 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 274 decisions: 490 variables: 791735 - horizon: 125 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 429 decisions: 685 variables: 824630 - horizon: 130 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 1068 decisions: 2313 variables: 857525 - horizon: 135 result: unknown conflicts: 58624 decisions: 206185 variables: 890420 - horizon: 140 result: unknown conflicts: 52801 decisions: 211396 variables: 923315 - horizon: 145 result: unknown conflicts: 47475 decisions: 177175 variables: 956210 - horizon: 150 result: unknown conflicts: 42754 decisions: 134827 variables: 989105 - horizon: 155 result: unknown conflicts: 38441 decisions: 116732 variables: 1022000 - horizon: 160 result: unknown conflicts: 34570 decisions: 103453 variables: 1054895 - horizon: 165 result: unknown conflicts: 31094 decisions: 92961 variables: 1087790 - horizon: 170 result: unknown conflicts: 27950 decisions: 84626 variables: 1120685 - horizon: 175 result: unknown conflicts: 25170 decisions: 77873 variables: 1153580 - horizon: 180 result: unknown conflicts: 22652 decisions: 67649 variables: 1186475 - horizon: 185 result: unknown conflicts: 20418 decisions: 62112 variables: 1219370 - horizon: 190 result: unknown conflicts: 18370 decisions: 58058 variables: 1252265 - horizon: 195 result: unknown conflicts: 16513 decisions: 53051 variables: 1285160 - horizon: 200 result: unknown conflicts: 14885 decisions: 49419 variables: 1318055 - horizon: 205 result: unknown conflicts: 13382 decisions: 44059 variables: 1350950 - horizon: 210 result: unknown conflicts: 12061 decisions: 39137 variables: 1383845 - horizon: 215 result: unknown conflicts: 10861 decisions: 35641 variables: 1416740 - horizon: 220 result: unknown conflicts: 9783 decisions: 31692 variables: 1449635 - horizon: 225 result: unknown conflicts: 8821 decisions: 30181 variables: 1482530 - horizon: 230 result: unknown conflicts: 7922 decisions: 26928 variables: 1515425 ...