Madagascar 0.99999 01/02/2018 14:46:04 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS) Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2000/domains/blocks-strips-typed/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2000/domains/blocks-strips-typed/instances/instance-84.pddlignoring --stats ignoring --stats-iter ignoring --verbose -m 8192 Domain: blocks Problem: blocks-41-1 Parser: 3444 ground actions and 1805 state variables Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2.27 secs Goal: conjunctive Simplified: 3444 ground actions and 1805 state variables Actions: STRIPS Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1.23 secs (max SCC size 1) Plan type: E-step Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 158 MB) Horizon 0: 1805 variables 0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 5: 28050 variables 5 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 10: 54295 variables 10 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 15: 80540 variables 15 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 20: 106785 variables 20 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 25: 133030 variables 25 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 30: 159275 variables 30 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 35: 185520 variables 35 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 936 MB) Horizon 40: 211765 variables 40 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 45: 238010 variables 45 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Horizon 50: 264255 variables 50 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1244 MB) Horizon 55: 290500 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 1276 MB) Horizon 60: 316745 variables 55 UNSAT (77 decisions 66 conflicts) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1500 MB) Horizon 65: 342990 variables Horizon 70: 369235 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1730 MB) Horizon 75: 395480 variables Horizon 80: 421725 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1966 MB) Horizon 85: 447970 variables Horizon 90: 474215 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2208 MB) Horizon 95: 500460 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2348 MB) Horizon 100: 526705 variables 60 UNSAT (671 decisions 515 conflicts) Horizon 105: 552950 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2599 MB) Horizon 110: 579195 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 2631 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2776 MB) Horizon 115: 605440 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2921 MB) Horizon 120: 631685 variables Horizon 125: 657930 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3185 MB) Horizon 130: 684175 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3336 MB) Horizon 135: 710420 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3487 MB) Horizon 140: 736665 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 3519 MB) Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3673 MB) Horizon 145: 762910 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3828 MB) Horizon 150: 789155 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3985 MB) Horizon 155: 815400 variables Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4143 MB) Horizon 160: 841645 variables Allocated 32 MB (total 4175 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4207 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4239 MB) GC: 192.30 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 4271 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4303 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4335 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4367 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4399 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4431 MB) 65 UNSAT (5759 decisions 4277 conflicts) Horizon 165: 867890 variables GC: 320.32 MB GC: 236.88 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 4590 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4622 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4654 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4686 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4718 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4750 MB) GC: 427.56 MB GC: 402.50 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 4782 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4814 MB) GC: 403.24 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 4846 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4878 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4910 MB) GC: 471.04 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 4942 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 4974 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 5006 MB) GC: 517.33 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5038 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 5070 MB) GC: 754.96 MB GC: 532.87 MB GC: 581.98 MB GC: 521.28 MB GC: 548.60 MB GC: 581.82 MB GC: 646.85 MB GC: 578.31 MB GC: 676.45 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5102 MB) GC: 692.28 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5134 MB) GC: 718.14 MB GC: 678.88 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5166 MB) GC: 686.75 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5198 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 5230 MB) GC: 733.96 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5262 MB) GC: 741.69 MB GC: 721.41 MB Allocated 32 MB (total 5294 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 5326 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 5358 MB) Allocated 32 MB (total 5390 MB) GC: 834.73 MB # statistics in YAML format --- runtime: total: 899.18 # [s] preprocessing: 3.59 # [s] maxLearnedClauseLength: 67915 groundActions: afterParsing: 3444 afterPreprocessing: 3444 stateVariables: afterParsing: 1805 afterPreprocessing: 1805 stronglyConnectedComponents: maxSize: 1 plan: found: false iterations: - horizon: 0 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 1805 - horizon: 5 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 28050 - horizon: 10 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 54295 - horizon: 15 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 80540 - horizon: 20 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 106785 - horizon: 25 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 133030 - horizon: 30 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 159275 - horizon: 35 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 185520 - horizon: 40 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 211765 - horizon: 45 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 238010 - horizon: 50 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 0 decisions: 0 variables: 264255 - horizon: 55 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 66 decisions: 77 variables: 290500 - horizon: 60 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 515 decisions: 671 variables: 316745 - horizon: 65 result: unsatisfiable conflicts: 4277 decisions: 5759 variables: 342990 - horizon: 70 result: unknown conflicts: 74364 decisions: 109612 variables: 369235 - horizon: 75 result: unknown conflicts: 66984 decisions: 109909 variables: 395480 - horizon: 80 result: unknown conflicts: 60301 decisions: 98527 variables: 421725 - horizon: 85 result: unknown conflicts: 54174 decisions: 84085 variables: 447970 - horizon: 90 result: unknown conflicts: 48773 decisions: 77674 variables: 474215 - horizon: 95 result: unknown conflicts: 43913 decisions: 77625 variables: 500460 - horizon: 100 result: unknown conflicts: 39499 decisions: 72621 variables: 526705 - horizon: 105 result: unknown conflicts: 35585 decisions: 70131 variables: 552950 - horizon: 110 result: unknown conflicts: 32031 decisions: 65081 variables: 579195 - horizon: 115 result: unknown conflicts: 28832 decisions: 61693 variables: 605440 - horizon: 120 result: unknown conflicts: 25936 decisions: 58214 variables: 631685 - horizon: 125 result: unknown conflicts: 23324 decisions: 55254 variables: 657930 - horizon: 130 result: unknown conflicts: 20965 decisions: 52718 variables: 684175 - horizon: 135 result: unknown conflicts: 18858 decisions: 47730 variables: 710420 - horizon: 140 result: unknown conflicts: 16987 decisions: 44258 variables: 736665 - horizon: 145 result: unknown conflicts: 15306 decisions: 39819 variables: 762910 - horizon: 150 result: unknown conflicts: 13744 decisions: 36800 variables: 789155 - horizon: 155 result: unknown conflicts: 12403 decisions: 33667 variables: 815400 - horizon: 160 result: unknown conflicts: 11166 decisions: 31158 variables: 841645 - horizon: 165 result: unknown conflicts: 10021 decisions: 28075 variables: 867890 ...