Madagascar 0.99999 25/02/2015 09:03:18 amd64 1-core
Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-1998/domains/mystery-round-1-strips/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-1998/domains/mystery-round-1-strips/instances/instance-10.pddlignoring --stats
ignoring --verbose
 -m 8192
Domain: mystery-strips
Problem: strips-mysty-x-10
Parser: 42174 ground actions and 1546 state variables
Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  1.01 secs
Goal: conjunctive
Simplified: 36738 ground actions and 1346 state variables
Actions: STRIPS
Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3.04 secs (max SCC size 39)
Plan type: E-step
Heuristic: VSIDS
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 483 MB)
Horizon 0: 1346 variables
0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 5: 370626 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 720 MB)
Horizon 10: 739906 variables
Horizon 15: 1109186 variables
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1219 MB)
Horizon 20: 1478466 variables
Horizon 25: 1847746 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 1460 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 1492 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1759 MB)
Horizon 30: 2217026 variables
5 UNSAT (2540 decisions 337 conflicts)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 1791 MB)
Horizon 35: 2586306 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 2084 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 2116 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2436 MB)
Horizon 40: 2955586 variables
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2782 MB)
Horizon 45: 3324866 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 2814 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3187 MB)
Horizon 50: 3694146 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3219 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3251 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3650 MB)
Horizon 55: 4063426 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3682 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3714 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3746 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3778 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3810 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3842 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 3874 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4299 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4331 MB)
Horizon 60: 4432706 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 4363 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 4395 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4847 MB)
Horizon 65: 4801986 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 4879 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 4911 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5389 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5421 MB)
Horizon 70: 5171266 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 5453 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5958 MB)
Horizon 75: 5540546 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 5990 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6521 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6553 MB)
Horizon 80: 5909826 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6585 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6617 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6649 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6681 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6713 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6745 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6777 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6809 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6841 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6873 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 6905 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7462 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7494 MB)
Horizon 85: 6279106 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 7526 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 7558 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 7590 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 8174 MB)
Horizon 90: 6648386 variables
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8206 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8238 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8270 MB)
ATTENTION: Memory bound 8192.00 MB reached, 8270.45 MB allocated
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8302 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8334 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8366 MB)
				Allocated 32 MB (total 8398 MB)
ATTENTION: Horizon 95 will not be started: memory allocated 8398.45 MB limit 8192.00 MB
						GC: 1098.18 MB
						GC: 594.65 MB
						GC: 352.72 MB
SAT (944959 decisions 6025 conflicts)
PLAN FOUND: 10 steps
STEP 0.0: feast(aesthetics,flounder,kale,surrey,moravia) feast(intoxication,grapefruit,pepper,quebec,oregon) feast(learning,pepper,cantelope,quebec,oregon) feast(rest,pork,ham,alsace,kentucky) overcome(anger-7,love,orange,mercury,mars) overcome(hangover-6,satisfaction,ham,mars,neptune) overcome(jealousy,stimulation,melon,neptune,pluto)
STEP 0.1: feast(love,orange,bacon,moravia,quebec) feast(satisfaction,ham,pork,oregon,alsace) feast(stimulation,melon,popover,oregon,alsace)
STEP 1.0: feast(intoxication,pepper,grapefruit,moravia,quebec) overcome(abrasion-5,rest,ham,mercury,mars) overcome(angina,stimulation,popover,mars,neptune) overcome(dread,expectation,beef,neptune,pluto) overcome(dread-31,learning,cantelope,mercury,mars) overcome(jealousy-16,aesthetics,kale,mars,neptune)
STEP 1.1: feast(aesthetics,kale,arugula,moravia,quebec) feast(learning,cantelope,hamburger,moravia,quebec) feast(rest,ham,pork,quebec,oregon) feast(stimulation,popover,melon,quebec,oregon)
STEP 2.0: feast(aesthetics,arugula,beef,surrey,moravia) feast(love,bacon,orange,oregon,alsace) feast(rest,pork,ham,oregon,alsace) feast(stimulation,melon,potato,quebec,oregon) succumb(dread-31,learning,hamburger,mercury,mars)
STEP 2.1: feast(learning,hamburger,cantelope,moravia,quebec)
STEP 3.0: feast(learning,cantelope,hamburger,surrey,moravia) feast(satisfaction,pork,orange,quebec,oregon) overcome(jealousy-28,intoxication,grapefruit,mars,neptune) succumb(abrasion-5,rest,ham,mercury,mars) succumb(angina,stimulation,potato,mars,neptune) succumb(dread,expectation,beef,neptune,pluto) succumb(jealousy-16,aesthetics,beef,mars,neptune)
STEP 3.1: feast(intoxication,grapefruit,wurst,moravia,quebec) feast(rest,ham,pork,moravia,quebec) feast(stimulation,potato,snickers,moravia,quebec)
STEP 4.0: feast(learning,hamburger,arugula,surrey,moravia) feast(rest,pork,ham,moravia,quebec) overcome(dread,aesthetics,beef,mars,neptune) overcome(jealousy-16,expectation,beef,neptune,pluto) succumb(anger-7,love,orange,mercury,mars) succumb(hangover-6,satisfaction,orange,mars,neptune) succumb(jealousy,stimulation,snickers,neptune,pluto) succumb(jealousy-28,intoxication,wurst,mars,neptune)
STEP 4.1: feast(expectation,beef,snickers,surrey,moravia) feast(love,orange,bacon,surrey,moravia) feast(stimulation,snickers,potato,oregon,alsace)
STEP 5.0: feast(rest,ham,pork,surrey,moravia) overcome(anger-7,satisfaction,orange,mars,neptune) overcome(angina,stimulation,potato,neptune,pluto) overcome(jealousy,expectation,snickers,mars,neptune) overcome(jealousy-28,intoxication,wurst,mars,neptune)
STEP 5.1: feast(expectation,snickers,lamb,quebec,oregon) feast(intoxication,wurst,grapefruit,oregon,alsace) feast(stimulation,potato,snickers,surrey,moravia)
STEP 6.0: feast(rest,pork,ham,surrey,moravia) overcome(dread-8,love,bacon,mercury,mars) overcome(grief,expectation,lamb,mercury,mars) overcome(laceration,stimulation,snickers,mars,neptune) succumb(jealousy-28,intoxication,grapefruit,mars,neptune)
STEP 6.1: feast(expectation,lamb,tofu,surrey,moravia)
STEP 7.0: overcome(hangover-6,satisfaction,orange,mercury,mars) overcome(laceration-27,intoxication,grapefruit,mars,neptune) succumb(angina,stimulation,snickers,mars,neptune) succumb(dread,aesthetics,beef,mars,neptune) succumb(dread-8,love,bacon,mercury,mars) succumb(jealousy,expectation,tofu,mercury,mars)
STEP 7.1: feast(stimulation,snickers,beef,moravia,quebec)
STEP 8: feast(love,bacon,pork,quebec,oregon) overcome(dread,stimulation,beef,mars,neptune) overcome(jealousy,expectation,tofu,mercury,mars)
STEP 9: overcome(loneliness-1,love,pork,mercury,mars) succumb(jealousy-16,expectation,tofu,mercury,mars) succumb(laceration-27,intoxication,grapefruit,mars,neptune)
74 actions in the plan.
total time 375.61 preprocess 5.63 
total size 8.537 GB
max. learned clause length 191372
t val conflicts decisions
0 0 0 0
5 0 337 2540
10 1 6025 944959