
342 lines
8.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Madagascar 0.99999 01/02/2018 14:46:04 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS)
Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2000/domains/blocks-strips-typed/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2000/domains/blocks-strips-typed/instances/instance-96.pddlignoring --stats
ignoring --stats-iter
ignoring --verbose
-m 8192
Domain: blocks
Problem: blocks-47-1
Parser: 4512 ground actions and 2351 state variables
Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4.40 secs
Goal: conjunctive
Simplified: 4512 ground actions and 2351 state variables
Actions: STRIPS
Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2.38 secs (max SCC size 1)
Plan type: E-step
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 173 MB)
Horizon 0: 2351 variables
0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 5: 36666 variables
5 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 10: 70981 variables
10 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 15: 105296 variables
15 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 20: 139611 variables
20 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 25: 173926 variables
25 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 30: 208241 variables
30 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 877 MB)
Horizon 35: 242556 variables
35 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 40: 276871 variables
40 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 45: 311186 variables
45 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1194 MB)
Horizon 50: 345501 variables
50 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 55: 379816 variables
55 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1425 MB)
Horizon 60: 414131 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 1457 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1592 MB)
Horizon 65: 448446 variables
60 UNSAT (80 decisions 78 conflicts)
Horizon 70: 482761 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1836 MB)
Horizon 75: 517076 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1977 MB)
Horizon 80: 551391 variables
Horizon 85: 585706 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2233 MB)
Horizon 90: 620021 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2380 MB)
Horizon 95: 654336 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2529 MB)
Horizon 100: 688651 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2680 MB)
Horizon 105: 722966 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2833 MB)
Horizon 110: 757281 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2988 MB)
Horizon 115: 791596 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 3020 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3177 MB)
Horizon 120: 825911 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3337 MB)
Horizon 125: 860226 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3498 MB)
Horizon 130: 894541 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3661 MB)
Horizon 135: 928856 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 3693 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3858 MB)
Horizon 140: 963171 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4026 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4058 MB)
Horizon 145: 997486 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4227 MB)
Horizon 150: 1031801 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4398 MB)
Horizon 155: 1066116 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4572 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4604 MB)
Horizon 160: 1100431 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 4636 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 4668 MB)
65 UNSAT (1975 decisions 1648 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4843 MB)
Horizon 165: 1134746 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 4875 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 4907 MB)
GC: 270.12 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 4939 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 4971 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5003 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5035 MB)
GC: 193.96 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 5067 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5099 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5131 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5163 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5195 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5227 MB)
GC: 374.46 MB
GC: 281.17 MB
70 UNSAT (12318 decisions 9358 conflicts)
Horizon 170: 1169061 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 5405 MB)
GC: 437.06 MB
GC: 289.17 MB
GC: 299.37 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 5437 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5469 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5501 MB)
GC: 348.74 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 5533 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5565 MB)
GC: 345.05 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 5597 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5629 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5661 MB)
Allocated 32 MB (total 5693 MB)
GC: 694.98 MB
GC: 413.13 MB
GC: 410.28 MB
GC: 402.80 MB
75 UNSAT (45974 decisions 34154 conflicts)
Horizon 175: 1203376 variables
GC: 615.90 MB
GC: 354.69 MB
GC: 349.78 MB
GC: 377.26 MB
GC: 420.34 MB
GC: 433.62 MB
GC: 430.99 MB
GC: 458.59 MB
GC: 478.55 MB
# statistics in YAML format
total: 899.25 # [s]
preprocessing: 6.91 # [s]
maxLearnedClauseLength: 72676
afterParsing: 4512
afterPreprocessing: 4512
afterParsing: 2351
afterPreprocessing: 2351
maxSize: 1
found: false
- horizon: 0
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 2351
- horizon: 5
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 36666
- horizon: 10
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 70981
- horizon: 15
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 105296
- horizon: 20
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 139611
- horizon: 25
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 173926
- horizon: 30
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 208241
- horizon: 35
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 242556
- horizon: 40
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 276871
- horizon: 45
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 311186
- horizon: 50
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 345501
- horizon: 55
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 0
decisions: 0
variables: 379816
- horizon: 60
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 78
decisions: 80
variables: 414131
- horizon: 65
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 1648
decisions: 1975
variables: 448446
- horizon: 70
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 9358
decisions: 12318
variables: 482761
- horizon: 75
result: unsatisfiable
conflicts: 34154
decisions: 45974
variables: 517076
- horizon: 80
result: unknown
conflicts: 59682
decisions: 83925
variables: 551391
- horizon: 85
result: unknown
conflicts: 53831
decisions: 80148
variables: 585706
- horizon: 90
result: unknown
conflicts: 48467
decisions: 82602
variables: 620021
- horizon: 95
result: unknown
conflicts: 43591
decisions: 83738
variables: 654336
- horizon: 100
result: unknown
conflicts: 39205
decisions: 80987
variables: 688651
- horizon: 105
result: unknown
conflicts: 35235
decisions: 75602
variables: 722966
- horizon: 110
result: unknown
conflicts: 31772
decisions: 66823
variables: 757281
- horizon: 115
result: unknown
conflicts: 28562
decisions: 57786
variables: 791596
- horizon: 120
result: unknown
conflicts: 25681
decisions: 53452
variables: 825911
- horizon: 125
result: unknown
conflicts: 23127
decisions: 51987
variables: 860226
- horizon: 130
result: unknown
conflicts: 20779
decisions: 48500
variables: 894541
- horizon: 135
result: unknown
conflicts: 18738
decisions: 43886
variables: 928856
- horizon: 140
result: unknown
conflicts: 16877
decisions: 41409
variables: 963171
- horizon: 145
result: unknown
conflicts: 15191
decisions: 37140
variables: 997486
- horizon: 150
result: unknown
conflicts: 13630
decisions: 34047
variables: 1031801
- horizon: 155
result: unknown
conflicts: 12307
decisions: 31324
variables: 1066116
- horizon: 160
result: unknown
conflicts: 11044
decisions: 27992
variables: 1100431
- horizon: 165
result: unknown
conflicts: 9962
decisions: 25216
variables: 1134746
- horizon: 170
result: unknown
conflicts: 9003
decisions: 23264
variables: 1169061
- horizon: 175
result: unknown
conflicts: 8102
decisions: 22276
variables: 1203376