
131 lines
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Madagascar 0.99999 25/02/2015 09:46:27 amd64 1-core (no VSIDS)
Options: file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2004/domains/pipesworld-tankage-nontemporal-strips/domain.pddl file:/home/pluehne/Documents/ASP/pddl-instances/ipc-2004/domains/pipesworld-tankage-nontemporal-strips/instances/instance-20.pddlignoring --stats
ignoring --verbose
-m 8192
Domain: pipesworld_strips
Problem: p20-net2-b18-g8_rt0_instance
Parser: 18024 ground actions and 661 state variables
Invariants: 0 1 2 3 4 0.27 secs
Goal: conjunctive
Simplified: 14904 ground actions and 494 state variables
Actions: STRIPS
Disabling graph %: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.60 secs (max SCC size 11064)
Plan type: E-step
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 305 MB)
Horizon 0: 494 variables
0 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 5: 322414 variables
5 UNSAT (0 decisions 0 conflicts)
Horizon 10: 644334 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 646 MB)
Horizon 15: 966254 variables
Horizon 20: 1288174 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1135 MB)
Horizon 25: 1610094 variables
Horizon 30: 1932014 variables
Horizon 35: 2253934 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 1796 MB)
Horizon 40: 2575854 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2076 MB)
Horizon 45: 2897774 variables
Horizon 50: 3219694 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2660 MB)
Horizon 55: 3541614 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 2997 MB)
Horizon 60: 3863534 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3353 MB)
Horizon 65: 4185454 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 3728 MB)
Horizon 70: 4507374 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4121 MB)
Horizon 75: 4829294 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4534 MB)
Horizon 80: 5151214 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 4966 MB)
Horizon 85: 5473134 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5417 MB)
Horizon 90: 5795054 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 5887 MB)
Horizon 95: 6116974 variables
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6376 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6408 MB)
Horizon 100: 6438894 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 6440 MB)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 6948 MB)
Horizon 105: 6760814 variables
Allocated 32 MB (total 6980 MB)
GC: 45.99 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7012 MB)
GC: 70.67 MB
GC: 63.95 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7044 MB)
GC: 75.81 MB
GC: 123.14 MB
GC: 90.90 MB
GC: 97.45 MB
GC: 98.39 MB
10 UNSAT (28110 decisions 21370 conflicts)
Allocated 32 MB permanent (total 7572 MB)
Horizon 110: 7082734 variables
GC: 131.73 MB
GC: 96.17 MB
GC: 109.93 MB
GC: 122.70 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7604 MB)
GC: 123.56 MB
GC: 120.85 MB
GC: 146.61 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7636 MB)
GC: 155.41 MB
GC: 167.03 MB
GC: 173.18 MB
GC: 163.88 MB
Allocated 32 MB (total 7668 MB)
GC: 184.59 MB
GC: 187.51 MB
SAT (47518 decisions 23242 conflicts)
PLAN FOUND: 60 steps
STEP 0: pop-start(s12,b16,a1,a2,b13,gasoleo,oc1b,ta2-1-gasoleo) pop-start(s13,b6,a1,a3,b8,lco,rat-a,ta3-1-lco)
STEP 1: pop-end(s12,a1,a2,b2,b13,rat-a,ta1-3-rat-a) pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b14,b8,oc1b,ta1-1-oc1b)
STEP 2: pop-start(s13,b10,a1,a3,b6,gasoleo,lco,ta3-1-gasoleo) push-start(s12,b12,a1,a2,b13,gasoleo,oc1b,ta1-1-gasoleo)
STEP 3: pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b8,b6,rat-a,ta1-2-rat-a) push-end(s12,a1,a2,b16,b13,gasoleo,ta2-4-gasoleo)
STEP 4: push-start(s12,b17,a1,a2,b12,rat-a,gasoleo,ta1-2-rat-a) push-start(s13,b14,a1,a3,b6,rat-a,lco,ta1-3-rat-a)
STEP 5: push-end(s12,a1,a2,b13,b12,oc1b,ta2-3-oc1b) push-end(s13,a1,a3,b10,b6,gasoleo,ta3-4-gasoleo)
STEP 6: pop-start(s13,b15,a1,a3,b6,oc1b,lco,ta3-1-oc1b) push-start(s12,b7,a1,a2,b17,lco,rat-a,ta1-1-lco)
STEP 7: pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b14,b6,lco,ta1-2-lco) push-end(s12,a1,a2,b12,b17,gasoleo,ta2-1-gasoleo)
STEP 8: pop-start(s13,b10,a1,a3,b15,gasoleo,oc1b,ta3-4-gasoleo) push-start(s12,b3,a1,a2,b7,oca1,lco,ta1-2-oca1)
STEP 9: pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b6,b15,rat-a,ta1-3-rat-a) push-end(s12,a1,a2,b17,b7,rat-a,ta2-3-rat-a)
STEP 10: push-start(s12,b6,a1,a2,b3,lco,oca1,ta1-2-lco) push-start(s13,b2,a1,a3,b15,oca1,oc1b,ta1-1-oca1)
STEP 11: push-end(s12,a1,a2,b7,b3,lco,ta2-1-lco) push-end(s13,a1,a3,b10,b15,gasoleo,ta3-4-gasoleo)
STEP 12: pop-start(s13,b10,a1,a3,b15,gasoleo,oc1b,ta3-4-gasoleo) push-start(s12,b14,a1,a2,b6,rat-a,lco,ta1-1-rat-a)
STEP 13: pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b2,b15,rat-a,ta1-1-rat-a) push-end(s12,a1,a2,b3,b6,oca1,ta2-3-oca1)
STEP 14: pop-start(s13,b1,a1,a3,b10,rat-a,gasoleo,ta3-1-rat-a) push-start(s12,b8,a1,a2,b14,rat-a,rat-a,ta1-1-rat-a)
STEP 15: pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b15,b10,lco,ta1-2-lco) push-end(s12,a1,a2,b6,b14,lco,ta2-2-lco)
STEP 16: pop-start(s12,b5,a1,a2,b14,gasoleo,rat-a,ta2-1-gasoleo) push-start(s13,b15,a1,a3,b10,oc1b,gasoleo,ta1-1-oc1b)
STEP 17: pop-end(s12,a1,a2,b8,b14,rat-a,ta1-5-rat-a) push-end(s13,a1,a3,b1,b10,rat-a,ta3-5-rat-a)
STEP 18: pop-start(s12,b4,a1,a2,b5,rat-a,gasoleo,ta2-1-rat-a) pop-start(s13,b1,a1,a3,b10,rat-a,gasoleo,ta3-5-rat-a)
STEP 19: pop-end(s12,a1,a2,b14,b5,gasoleo,ta1-4-gasoleo) pop-end(s13,a1,a3,b15,b10,oca1,ta1-4-oca1)
STEP 20: pop-start(s12,b7,a1,a2,b4,lco,rat-a,ta2-2-lco)
STEP 21: pop-end(s12,a1,a2,b5,b4,oca1,ta1-2-oca1)
STEP 22: push-start(s12,b8,a1,a2,b4,rat-a,rat-a,ta1-3-rat-a)
STEP 23: push-end(s12,a1,a2,b7,b4,lco,ta2-2-lco)
44 actions in the plan.
total time 683.30 preprocess 1.08
total size 7.661 GB
max. learned clause length 69049
t val conflicts decisions
0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
10 0 21370 28110
15 -1 59910 96773
20 -1 53977 100605
25 -1 48563 95625
30 -1 43753 88778
35 -1 39372 80211
40 -1 35416 72450
45 -1 31870 66050
50 -1 28689 59044
55 -1 25868 51601
60 1 23242 47518