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#const horizon=1.
% Horizon, must be defined externally
% Establish initial state
holds(Variable, Value, 0) :- initialState(Variable, Value).
% Compute derived predicates
% conjunctive preconditions
satisfied(DerivedPredicate, type(and), T) :- derivedPredicate(DerivedPredicate, type(and)), holds(Variable, Value, T) : precondition(DerivedPredicate, type(and), Variable, Value); time(T + 1).
% disjunctive preconditions
satisfied(DerivedPredicate, type(or), T) :- precondition(DerivedPredicate, type(or), Variable, Value), holds(Variable, Value, T), time(T + 1).
holds(DerivedVariable, Value, T) :- satisfied(DerivedPredicate, Type, T), postcondition(DerivedPredicate, Type, effect(unconditional), DerivedVariable, Value).
holds(derivedVariable(DerivedVariable), value(DerivedVariable, false), T) :- derivedVariable(DerivedVariable), not holds(derivedVariable(DerivedVariable), value(DerivedVariable, true), T), time(T + 1).
% Perform actions
1 {occurs(Action, T) : action(Action)} 1 :- time(T), T > 0.
% Check preconditions
:- occurs(Action, T), precondition(Action, Variable, Value), not holds(Variable, Value, T - 1).
% Apply effects
caused(Variable, Value, T) :-
occurs(Action, T),
postcondition(Action, Effect, Variable, Value),
holds(VariablePre, ValuePre, T - 1) : precondition(Effect, VariablePre, ValuePre).
% Inertia rules
modified(variable(V), T) :- caused(variable(V), Value, T).
holds(Variable, Value, T) :- caused(Variable, Value, T).
holds(Variable, Value, T) :- holds(Variable, Value, T - 1), not modified(Variable, T), time(T).
% Variables and mutex groups
% Check that variables have unique values
:- variable(Variable), not 1 {holds(Variable, Value, T) : contains(Variable, Value)} 1, time(T).
% Check mutexes
:- mutexGroup(MutexGroup), not {holds(Variable, Value, T) : contains(MutexGroup, Variable, Value)} 1, time(T).
% Verify that goal is met
:- goal(Variable, Value), not holds(Variable, Value, horizon).
#show occurs/2.