These encodings need to be updated to match the new output format. Until this is done, hide these files in a separate directory in order not to confuse users.
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#include <incmode>.
% Check feature requirements
% :- requires(feature(actionCosts)).
#program base.
% Establish initial state
holds(Variable, Value, 0) :- initialState(Variable, Value), not stateVariable(Variable).
% Identify (head and) state variables
headVariable(Rule,Variable) :- variable(Variable), axiomRule(Rule), postcondition(Rule,_,Variable,_).
stateVariable(Variable) :- headVariable(_,Variable).
#program step(t). % t=1,2,...
% Perform actions
1 {occurs(Action, t) : action(Action)} 1.
% Check preconditions
:- occurs(Action, t), precondition(Action, Variable, Value), not holds(Variable, Value, t - 1).
% Apply effects
caused(Variable, Value, t) :- occurs(Action, t), postcondition(Action, Effect, Variable, Value),
holds(Variable', Value', t - 1) : precondition(Effect, Variable', Value').
changed(Variable, t) :- caused(Variable, Value, t).
holds(Variable, Value, t) :- caused(Variable, Value, t).
holds(Variable, Value, t) :- holds(Variable, Value, t - 1), not changed(Variable, t), not stateVariable(Variable).
#program check(t). % t=0,1,...
% Check that variables have unique values
:- variable(Variable), {holds(Variable, Value, t) : contains(Variable, Value)} != 1.
% Check mutexes
:- mutexGroup(MutexGroup), {holds(Variable, Value, t) : contains(MutexGroup, Variable, Value)} > 1.
% Apply axioms
derived(Variable, Value, t) :- axiomRule(Rule), postcondition(Rule,_,Variable,Value),
holds(Variable', Value', t) : precondition(Rule, Variable', Value'), not headVariable(Rule,Variable').
modified(Variable, t) :- derived(Variable, Value, t).
holds(Variable, Value, t) :- derived(Variable, Value, t), stateVariable(Variable).
holds(Variable, Value, t) :- not modified(Variable, t), stateVariable(Variable), initialState(Variable, Value).
% Verify that goal is met
:- query(t), goal(Variable, Value), not holds(Variable, Value, t).
#show occurs/2.
% #show holds/3.