# Output Format `plasp` 3 translates SAS and PDDL files into the same ASP fact format. ## Sections The `plasp` output contains the following sections: section | description --------|------------ feature requirements | advanced features (such as conditional effects or axiom rules) required by the input planning problem types (PDDL only) | object types used by the planning problem (only if typing is enabled) variables | fluents used by the planning problem (variables in SAS and predicates in PDDL) and their possible values actions | actions (operators in SAS and actions in PDDL), their preconditions, and effects mutex groups (SAS only) | sets of mutually exclusive variable assignments axiom rules (SAS only) | special actions that are immediately executed when the preconditions are satisfied objects (PDDL only) | constant objects defined by PDDL domains or problems initial state | initial variable assignment goal | target variable assignment