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/* 2012 (C) Jussi Rintanen */
#include "intsets.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int *fieldaddress(intset s) {
return ((int *)s)+3;
/* BUG? There was a segmentation fault caused by the assingment to s->maxEls
below. It is not obvious whether it was the call to statmalloc that
has now been replaced by malloc, or something else. */
intset IScreateSize(int size) {
intset s;
s = (intset)malloc(sizeof(struct _intset));
// s = (intset)malloc(sizeof(struct _intset) + size * sizeof(int));
s->maxEls = size;
s->nOfEls = 0;
// s->elements = (int *)statmalloc(602,s->maxEls * sizeof(int));
s->elements = (int *)malloc(s->maxEls * sizeof(int));
// s->elements = fieldaddress(s);
return s;
intset IScreate() {
return IScreateSize(30);
int IScard(intset s) {
return s->nOfEls;
int ISemptyp(intset s) {
return s->nOfEls == 0;
void ISmakeempty(intset s) {
s->nOfEls = 0;
int *ISrealloc(intset s) {
// if(s->elements != fieldaddress(s)) {
s->elements = (int *)realloc(s->elements,s->maxEls * sizeof(int));
// } else {
// printf("Reallocated.\n");
// s->elements = (int *)malloc(s->maxEls * sizeof(int));
// }
void ISinsert(int i,intset s) {
int j;
for(j=0;j<s->nOfEls;j++) {
if(s->elements[j] == i) return;
if(s->nOfEls == s->maxEls) {
s->maxEls = s->maxEls + 100;
s->nOfEls += 1;
s->elements[s->nOfEls-1] = i;
// if(s->nOfEls > maxcard) maxcard = s->nOfEls;
/* Insert new element that you know is new, without checking duplicates. */
void ISinsertNODUP(int i,intset s) {
if(s->nOfEls == s->maxEls) {
s->maxEls = s->maxEls + 100;
s->nOfEls += 1;
s->elements[s->nOfEls-1] = i;
// if(s->nOfEls > maxcard) maxcard = s->nOfEls;
void ISremove(int i,intset s) {
int j;
for(j=0;j<s->nOfEls;j++) {
if(s->elements[j] == i) {
s->elements[j] = s->elements[s->nOfEls-1];
s->nOfEls -= 1;
void ISremoveSet(intset s1,intset s2) {
int i;
for(i=0;i<s1->nOfEls;i++) ISremove(s1->elements[i],s2);
void ISaddelements(intset s1,intset s2) {
int i;
for(i=0;i<s1->nOfEls;i++) {
int ISintersectwith(intset s1,intset s2) {
int i;
int change;
change = 0;
i = 0;
while(i<s1->nOfEls) {
if(ISmember(s1->elements[i],s2)) {
i += 1;
} else {
change = 1;
s1->elements[i] = s1->elements[s1->nOfEls-1];
s1->nOfEls -= 1;
return change;
/* Compute the intersection of first two sets and put it into the third */
void ISintersectto(intset s1,intset s2,intset s3) {
int i;
for(i=0;i<s1->nOfEls;i++) {
if(ISmember(s1->elements[i],s2)) ISinsert(s1->elements[i],s3);
/* Compute the difference of first two sets and put it into the third */
void ISdifferenceto(intset s1,intset s2,intset s3) {
int i;
for(i=0;i<s1->nOfEls;i++) {
if(!ISmember(s1->elements[i],s2)) ISinsertNODUP(s1->elements[i],s3);
/* Copy set to another */
void IScopyto(intset s1,intset s2) {
int i;
s2->nOfEls = s1->nOfEls;
if(s1->nOfEls >= s2->maxEls) {
s2->maxEls = s1->nOfEls + 10;
for(i=0;i<s1->nOfEls;i++) {
s2->elements[i] = s1->elements[i];
int ISmember(int i,intset s) {
int j;
for(j=0;j<s->nOfEls;j++) {
if(s->elements[j] == i) return 1;
return 0;
void ISfree(intset s) {
void ISprint(intset s) {
int i;
int first;
first = 1;
while(ITnext(&i)) {
if(first) printf(" ");
first = 0;
/* Iterator for going through the elements of a list */
int *ITptr;
int ITcounter;
void ITstart(intset s) {
ITcounter = s->nOfEls;
ITptr = s->elements;
int ITnext(int *i) {
if(ITcounter <= 0) return 0;
ITcounter -= 1;
*i = *(ITptr++);
return 1;
void printgraph(char *n,intset s) { }