use super::*; impl super::Precedence for crate::Term { fn precedence(&self) -> i32 { match &self { Self::Boolean(_) | Self::SpecialInteger(_) | Self::Integer(_) | Self::String(_) | Self::Variable(_) | Self::Function(_) | Self::UnaryOperation( crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::AbsoluteValue, ..}) => 0, Self::UnaryOperation( crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::Negative, ..}) => 1, Self::BinaryOperation( crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Exponentiate, ..}) => 2, Self::BinaryOperation( crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Multiply, ..}) | Self::BinaryOperation( crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Divide, ..}) | Self::BinaryOperation( crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo, ..}) => 3, Self::BinaryOperation(crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Add, ..}) | Self::BinaryOperation( crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Subtract, ..}) => 4, } } } impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::SpecialInteger { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { match &self { Self::Infimum => write!(format, "#inf"), Self::Supremum => write!(format, "#sup"), } } } impl std::fmt::Display for crate::SpecialInteger { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{:?}", &self) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::FunctionDeclaration { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{}/{}", &, self.arity) } } impl std::fmt::Display for crate::FunctionDeclaration { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{:?}", &self) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::VariableDeclaration { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{}", & } } impl std::fmt::Display for crate::VariableDeclaration { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{:?}", &self) } } pub(crate) struct TermDisplay<'term> { parent_precedence: Option, term: &'term crate::Term, } pub(crate) fn display_term(term: &crate::Term, parent_precedence: Option) -> TermDisplay { TermDisplay { parent_precedence, term, } } impl<'term> std::fmt::Debug for TermDisplay<'term> { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { let precedence = self.term.precedence(); let requires_parentheses = match self.parent_precedence { Some(parent_precedence) => precedence > parent_precedence, None => false, }; if requires_parentheses { write!(format, "(")?; } match &self.term { crate::Term::Boolean(true) => write!(format, "true"), crate::Term::Boolean(false) => write!(format, "false"), crate::Term::SpecialInteger(value) => write!(format, "{:?}", value), crate::Term::Integer(value) => write!(format, "{}", value), crate::Term::String(value) => write!(format, "\"{}\"", value.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\t", "\\t")), crate::Term::Variable(variable) => write!(format, "{:?}", variable.declaration), crate::Term::Function(function) => { write!(format, "{}",; assert!(function.declaration.arity == function.arguments.len(), "number of function arguments differs from declaration (expected {}, got {})", function.declaration.arity, function.arguments.len()); if !function.arguments.is_empty() { write!(format, "(")?; let mut separator = ""; for argument in &function.arguments { write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, display_term(&argument, None))?; separator = ", "; } write!(format, ")")?; } Ok(()) }, crate::Term::BinaryOperation(binary_operation) => { let operator_string = match binary_operation.operator { crate::BinaryOperator::Add => "+", crate::BinaryOperator::Subtract => "-", crate::BinaryOperator::Multiply => "*", crate::BinaryOperator::Divide => "/", crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo => "%", crate::BinaryOperator::Exponentiate => "**", }; let left_requires_parentheses = binary_operation.left.precedence() == precedence // Exponentiation is right-associative and thus requires parentheses when // nested on the left side && binary_operation.operator == crate::BinaryOperator::Exponentiate; // The subtraction, division, and modulo operators require parentheses around the // right argument even if it has the same precedence let operator_requires_right_priority = match binary_operation.operator { crate::BinaryOperator::Subtract | crate::BinaryOperator::Divide | crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo => true, _ => false, }; // Additionally, modulo operations nested to the right of another multiplicative // operation always require parentheses let right_requires_priority = match *binary_operation.right { crate::Term::BinaryOperation( crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo, ..}) => true, _ => false, }; let right_requires_parentheses = binary_operation.right.precedence() == precedence && (operator_requires_right_priority || right_requires_priority); if left_requires_parentheses { write!(format, "(")?; } write!(format, "{:?}", display_term(&binary_operation.left, Some(precedence)))?; if left_requires_parentheses { write!(format, ")")?; } write!(format, " {} ", operator_string)?; if right_requires_parentheses { write!(format, "(")?; } write!(format, "{:?}", display_term(&binary_operation.right, Some(precedence)))?; if right_requires_parentheses { write!(format, ")")?; } Ok(()) }, crate::Term::UnaryOperation( crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::Negative, argument}) => write!(format, "-{:?}", display_term(argument, Some(precedence))), crate::Term::UnaryOperation( crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::AbsoluteValue, argument}) => write!(format, "|{:?}|", display_term(argument, None)), }?; if requires_parentheses { write!(format, ")")?; } Ok(()) } } impl<'term> std::fmt::Display for TermDisplay<'term> { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{:?}", self) } } impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::Term { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{:?}", display_term(&self, None)) } } impl std::fmt::Display for crate::Term { fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result { write!(format, "{}", display_term(&self, None)) } }