Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
trait Precedence
fn precedence(&self) -> i32;
impl Precedence for crate::Term
fn precedence(&self) -> i32
match &self
| Self::Function(_)
| Self::SpecialInteger(_)
| Self::Integer(_)
| Self::String(_)
| Self::Variable(_)
=> 0,
crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::Negative, ..})
=> 1,
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Exponentiate, ..})
=> 2,
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Multiply, ..})
| Self::BinaryOperation(
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Divide, ..})
| Self::BinaryOperation(
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo, ..})
=> 3,
Self::BinaryOperation(crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Add, ..})
| Self::BinaryOperation(
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Subtract, ..})
=> 4,
crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::AbsoluteValue, ..})
=> 5,
impl Precedence for crate::Formula
fn precedence(&self) -> i32
match &self
| Self::Boolean(_)
| Self::Compare(_)
=> 0,
| Self::ForAll(_)
=> 1,
=> 2,
=> 3,
=> 4,
=> 5,
=> 6,
2020-03-30 05:30:29 +02:00
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::SpecialInteger
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
match &self
Self::Infimum => write!(format, "#inf"),
Self::Supremum => write!(format, "#sup"),
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::SpecialInteger
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", &self)
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::FunctionDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{}/{}", &, self.arity)
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::FunctionDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", &self)
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::PredicateDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{}/{}", &, self.arity)
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::PredicateDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", &self)
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::VariableDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{}", &
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::VariableDeclaration
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", &self)
struct TermDisplay<'term>
parent_precedence: Option<i32>,
term: &'term crate::Term,
2020-03-30 05:17:24 +02:00
fn display_term(term: &crate::Term, parent_precedence: Option<i32>) -> TermDisplay
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
impl<'term> std::fmt::Debug for TermDisplay<'term>
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
let precedence = self.term.precedence();
let requires_parentheses = match self.parent_precedence
Some(parent_precedence) => precedence > parent_precedence,
None => false,
let precedence = Some(precedence);
if requires_parentheses
write!(format, "(")?;
match &self.term
crate::Term::Boolean(true) => write!(format, "true"),
crate::Term::Boolean(false) => write!(format, "false"),
2020-03-30 05:30:29 +02:00
crate::Term::SpecialInteger(value) => write!(format, "{:?}", value),
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
crate::Term::Integer(value) => write!(format, "{}", value),
crate::Term::String(value) => write!(format, "\"{}\"", value),
crate::Term::Variable(variable) => write!(format, "{:?}", variable.declaration),
crate::Term::Function(function) =>
write!(format, "{}",;
assert!(function.declaration.arity == function.arguments.len(),
"number of function arguments differs from declaration (expected {}, got {})",
function.declaration.arity, function.arguments.len());
2020-03-30 05:38:42 +02:00
if !function.arguments.is_empty()
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
2020-03-30 05:39:20 +02:00
write!(format, "(")?;
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
let mut separator = "";
for argument in &function.arguments
write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, display_term(&argument, None))?;
separator = ", ";
write!(format, ")")?;
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Add, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} + {:?}", display_term(left, precedence),
display_term(right, precedence)),
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Subtract, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} - {:?}", display_term(left, precedence),
display_term(right, precedence)),
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Multiply, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} * {:?}", display_term(left, precedence),
display_term(right, precedence)),
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Divide, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} / {:?}", display_term(left, precedence),
display_term(right, precedence)),
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Modulo, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} % {:?}", display_term(left, precedence),
display_term(right, precedence)),
crate::BinaryOperation{operator: crate::BinaryOperator::Exponentiate, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} ** {:?}", display_term(left, precedence),
display_term(right, precedence)),
crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::Negative, argument})
=> write!(format, "-{:?}", display_term(argument, precedence)),
crate::UnaryOperation{operator: crate::UnaryOperator::AbsoluteValue, argument})
=> write!(format, "|{:?}|", display_term(argument, precedence)),
if requires_parentheses
write!(format, ")")?;
impl<'term> std::fmt::Display for TermDisplay<'term>
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", self)
struct FormulaDisplay<'formula>
parent_precedence: Option<i32>,
formula: &'formula crate::Formula,
2020-03-30 05:17:24 +02:00
fn display_formula(formula: &crate::Formula, parent_precedence: Option<i32>) -> FormulaDisplay
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
impl<'formula> std::fmt::Debug for FormulaDisplay<'formula>
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
let precedence = self.formula.precedence();
let requires_parentheses = match self.parent_precedence
Some(parent_precedence) => precedence > parent_precedence,
None => false,
let precedence = Some(precedence);
if requires_parentheses
write!(format, "(")?;
match &self.formula
crate::Formula::Exists(exists) =>
write!(format, "exists")?;
let mut separator = " ";
for parameter in exists.parameters.iter()
write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, parameter)?;
separator = ", "
write!(format, " {:?}", display_formula(&exists.argument, precedence))?;
crate::Formula::ForAll(for_all) =>
write!(format, "forall")?;
let mut separator = " ";
for parameter in for_all.parameters.iter()
write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, parameter)?;
separator = ", "
write!(format, " {:?}", display_formula(&for_all.argument, precedence))?;
crate::Formula::Not(argument) => write!(format, "not {:?}",
display_formula(argument, precedence))?,
crate::Formula::And(arguments) =>
let mut separator = "";
for argument in arguments
write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, display_formula(argument, precedence))?;
separator = " and "
crate::Formula::Or(arguments) =>
let mut separator = "";
for argument in arguments
write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, display_formula(argument, precedence))?;
separator = " or "
crate::Formula::Implies(crate::Implies{antecedent, implication})
=> write!(format, "{:?} -> {:?}", display_formula(antecedent, precedence),
display_formula(implication, precedence))?,
crate::Formula::IfAndOnlyIf(crate::IfAndOnlyIf{left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} <-> {:?}", display_formula(left, precedence),
display_formula(right, precedence))?,
crate::Compare{operator: crate::ComparisonOperator::Less, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} < {:?}", display_term(left, None),
display_term(right, None))?,
crate::Compare{operator: crate::ComparisonOperator::LessOrEqual, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} <= {:?}", display_term(left, None),
display_term(right, None))?,
crate::Compare{operator: crate::ComparisonOperator::Greater, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} > {:?}", display_term(left, None),
display_term(right, None))?,
crate::Compare{operator: crate::ComparisonOperator::GreaterOrEqual, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} >= {:?}", display_term(left, None),
display_term(right, None))?,
crate::Compare{operator: crate::ComparisonOperator::Equal, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} = {:?}", display_term(left, None),
display_term(right, None))?,
crate::Compare{operator: crate::ComparisonOperator::NotEqual, left, right})
=> write!(format, "{:?} != {:?}", display_term(left, None),
display_term(right, None))?,
2020-03-30 05:45:56 +02:00
crate::Formula::Boolean(true) => write!(format, "true")?,
crate::Formula::Boolean(false) => write!(format, "false")?,
Initial commit
This provides an abstract syntax tree for first-order logic with integer
arithmetics. Initially, the following types of formulas are supported:
- Booleans values (true and false)
- predicates
- negated formulas
- comparisons of terms (<, ≤, >, ≥, =, ≠)
- implications and biconditionals
- conjunctions and disjunctions of formulas
- existentially and universally quantified formulas
In addition, these types of terms are provided:
- Boolean values (true and false)
- integers
- strings
- special integers (infimum and supremum)
- symbolic functions
- variables
- binary operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
modulo, exponentiation)
- unary operations (absolute value, numeric negation)
2020-02-05 03:17:28 +01:00
crate::Formula::Predicate(predicate) =>
write!(format, "{}",;
if !predicate.arguments.is_empty()
write!(format, "(")?;
let mut separator = "";
for argument in &predicate.arguments
write!(format, "{}{:?}", separator, display_term(argument, None))?;
separator = ", "
write!(format, ")")?;
if requires_parentheses
write!(format, ")")?;
impl<'formula> std::fmt::Display for FormulaDisplay<'formula>
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", self)
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::Formula
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", display_formula(&self, None))
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::Formula
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{}", display_formula(&self, None))
impl std::fmt::Debug for crate::Term
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{:?}", display_term(&self, None))
impl std::fmt::Display for crate::Term
fn fmt(&self, format: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result
write!(format, "{}", display_term(&self, None))