#include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TEST_CASE("[translation] Rules are translated correctly", "[translation]") { std::stringstream input; std::stringstream output; std::stringstream errors; anthem::output::Logger logger(output, errors); anthem::Context context = {logger}; SECTION("simple example 1") { input << "p(1..5)."; anthem::translate("input", input, context); REQUIRE(output.str() == "V1 in (1..5) -> p(V1)\n"); } SECTION("simple example 2") { input << "p(N) :- N = 1..5."; anthem::translate("input", input, context); REQUIRE(output.str() == "V1 in N and exists X1, X2 (X1 in N and X2 in (1..5) and X1 = X2) -> p(V1)\n"); } SECTION("simple example 3") { input << "p(N + 1) :- q(N)."; anthem::translate("input", input, context); REQUIRE(output.str() == "V1 in (N + 1) and exists X1 (X1 in N and q(X1)) -> p(V1)\n"); } }